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- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Cowan,-J.-D.,
Temporal oscillations in neuronal nets.
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 7 (1979), no. 3, 265-280.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Cowan,-J.-D.,
A mathematical theory of visual hallucination patterns.
Biol.-Cybernet. [Biological-Cybernetics] 34 (1979), no. 3, 137-150.
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard; Rinzel,-John,
One-dimensional $\lambda -\omega $ target patterns: empirical stability tests
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 10 (1980), no. 1, 97-100.
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Small amplitude stable wavetrains in reaction-diffusion systems.
Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 54,
Dekker, New York, 1980.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Cowan,-J.-D.,
Large scale spatially organized activity in neural nets.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 38 (1980), no. 1, 1-21. pdf
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Cowan,-J.-D.,
Secondary bifurcation in neuronal nets.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 39 (1980), no. 2, 323-340. pdf
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard; Rinzel,-John,
Waves in a simple, excitable or oscillatory, reaction-diffusion model.
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 11 (1981), no. 3, 269-294.
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
n:m phase-locking of weakly coupled oscillators.
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 12 (1981), no. 3, 327-342.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Asymptotic behavior of stationary homogeneous neuronal nets.
Lecture Notes in Biomath., 45,
Springer, Berlin-New York, 1982.
- Kopell,-N., ; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Coupled oscillators and mammalian small intestines.
Lecture Notes in Biomath., 51,
Springer, Berlin-New York, 1983.
- Ermentrout,-George-Bard; Kopell,-Nancy,
Frequency plateaus in a chain of weakly coupled oscillators. I.
SIAM-J.-Math.-Anal. [SIAM-Journal-on-Mathematical-Analysis] 15 (1984), no. 2, 215-237.
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Period doublings and possible chaos in neural models.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 44 (1984), no. 1, 80-95. pdf
- Ermentrout-GB; Rinzel-J,
Beyond a pacemaker's entrainment limit: phase walk-through.
Am-J-Physiol. 1984 Jan; 246(1 Pt 2): R102-6
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Hastings,-S.-P.; Troy,-W.-C.,
Large amplitude stationary waves in an excitable lateral-inhibitory medium.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 44 (1984), no. 6, 1133-1149. pdf
- Ermentrout-B,
A model for premigrainous auras,
The Neurobiology of Pain, ed AH. Holden and W. Winlow,
Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1985
- Ermentrout-GB,
The behavior of rings of coupled oscillators.
J-Math-Biol. 1985; 23(1): 55-74
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Synchronization in a pool of mutually coupled oscillators with random frequencies.
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 22 (1985), no. 1, 1-9.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Troy,-W.-C.,
Phaselocking in a reaction-diffusion system with a linear frequency gradient.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 46 (1986), no. 3, 359-367. pdf
- Ermentrout,-Bard,
Losing amplitude and saving phase.
Lecture Notes in Biomath., 66,
Springer, Berlin-New York, 1986.
- Kopell,-N.; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Symmetry and phaselocking in chains of weakly coupled oscillators.
Comm.-Pure-Appl.-Math. [Communications-on-Pure-and-Applied-Mathematics] 39 (1986), no. 5, 623-660.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Kopell,-N.,
Parabolic bursting in an excitable system coupled with a slow oscillation.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 46 (1986), no. 2, 233-253. pdf
- Kopell,-N.; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Subcellular oscillations and bursting.
Math.-Biosci. [Mathematical-Biosciences.-An-International-Journal] 78 (1986), no. 2, 265-291.
- Ermentrout-B; Campbell-J; Oster-G,
A model for shell patterns based on neural activity.
Veliger 28(4): 369-388
- Troy,-William-C.; Overman,-Edward-A., II; Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Keener,-James-P.,
Uniqueness of flow of a second-order fluid past a stretching sheet.
Quart.-Appl.-Math. [Quarterly-of-Applied-Mathematics] 44 (1987), no. 4, 753-755.
- Kopell,-N.; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Coupled oscillators and the design of central pattern generators.
Math.-Biosci. [Mathematical-Biosciences.-An-International-Journal] 90 (1988), no. 1-2, 87-109.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Discrete and continuous media in the presence of a frequency gradient.
Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1988.
- Boland,-J.; Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Hall,-C.-A.; Layton,-W.; Melhem,-H.,
Numerical and analytical studies of natural convection problems.
Ohio Univ. Press, Athens, OH, 1989.
- Rinzel-J; Ermentrout-B,
Analysis of neural excitability and oscillations, In
``Methods in Neuronal Modelling: From synapses to Networks'',
C. Koch and I. Segev, eds. 1989, MIT Press (revised 1998).
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard; Troy,-William-C.,
The uniqueness and stability of the rest state for strongly coupled oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Math.-Anal. [SIAM-Journal-on-Mathematical-Analysis] 20 (1989), no. 6, 1436-1446.
- Edelstein-Keshet,-Leah; Ermentrout,-Bard,
Models for branching networks in two dimensions.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 49 (1989), no. 4, 1136-1157. pdf
- Ermentrout-B; Kopell-N,
Some mathematical problems concerning a central
pattern generator, in ``Theoretical models for Cell Signalling'', A. Goldbeter,ed. Academic Press, 1989
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Oscillator death in populations of ``all to all'' coupled nonlinear oscillators.
Phys.-D [Physica-D.-Nonlinear-Phenomena] 41 (1990), no. 2, 219-231.
- Edelstein-Keshet,-Leah; Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Models for contact-mediated pattern formation: cells that form parallel arrays.
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 29 (1990), no. 1, 33-58.
- Williams-TL; Sigvardt-KA; Kopell-N; Ermentrout-GB; Remler-MP,
Forcing of coupled nonlinear oscillators: studies of intersegmental coordination in the lamprey locomotor central pattern generator.
J-Neurophysiol. 1990 Sep; 64(3): 862-71
- Edelstein-Keshet-L; Ermentrout-GB,
Contact response of cells can mediate morphogenetic pattern formation.
Differentiation. 1990 Dec; 45(3): 147-59
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Kopell,-N,
Oscillator death in systems of coupled neural oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 50 (1990), no. 1, 125-146. pdf
- Kopell,-N.; Zhang,-W; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Multiple coupling in chains of oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Math.-Anal. [SIAM-Journal-on-Mathematical-Analysis] 21 (1990), no. 4, 935-953.
- Kopell,-N.; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Phase transitions and other phenomena in chains of coupled oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 50 (1990), no. 4, 1014-1052. pdf
- Aronson,-D.-G.; Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Kopell,-N,
Amplitude response of coupled oscillators.
Phys.-D [Physica-D.-Nonlinear-Phenomena] 41 (1990), no. 3, 403-449.
Koppel, N., Ermentrout, G.B. Williams, T., On chains of oscillators forced at one end, SIAM J. Appl Math 51(5):1397-1417 pdf
- Ermentrout-B,
An adaptive model for synchrony in the firefly Pteroptyx malaccae.
Journal of Mathematical Biology 29(6): 571-585
- Caginalp,-G; Ermentrout,-G.-B.,
Numerical studies of differential equations related to theoretical financial markets.
Appl.-Math.-Lett. [Applied-Mathematics-Letters.-An-International-Journal-of-Rapid-Publication] 4 (1991), no. 1, 35-38.
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Kopell,-N.,
Multiple pulse interactions and averaging in systems of coupled neural oscillators.
J.-Math.-Biol. [Journal-of-Mathematical-Biology] 29 (1991), no. 3, 195-217.
- Ermentrout,-Bard,
Stripes or spots? Nonlinear effects in bifurcation of reaction-diffusion equations on the square.
Proc.-Roy.-Soc.-London-Ser.-A 434 (1991), no. 1891, 413-417. PDF
- Cohen-AH; Ermentrout-GB; Kiemel-T; Kopell-N; Sigvardt-KA; Williams-TL,
Modelling of intersegmental coordination in the lamprey central pattern generator for locomotion.
Trends-Neurosci. 1992 Nov; 15(11): 434-8
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Stable periodic solutions to discrete and continuum arrays of weakly coupled nonlinear oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 52 (1992), no. 6, 1665-1687. pdf
- Ermentrout-B,
Complex dynamics in winner-take-all neural nets with slow inhibition.
NEURAL NETWORKS 5(3): 415-431 1992 pdf
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard; McLeod,-J.-Bryce,
Existence and uniqueness of travelling waves for a neural network.
Proc.-Roy.-Soc.-Edinburgh-Sect.-A 123 (1993), no. 3, 461-478 PDF
- Cordova-NJ; Ermentrout-B; Oster-GF,
Dynamics of single-motor molecules: the thermal ratchet model.
Proc-Natl-Acad-Sci-U-S-A. 1992 Jan 1; 89(1): 339-43 pdf
- Ermentrout-GB; Edelstein-Keshet-L,
Cellular automata approaches to biological modeling.
J-Theor-Biol. 1993 Jan 7; 160(1): 97-133 PDF
- Van-Vreeswijk-C; Abbott-LF; Ermentrout-GB,
When inhibition not excitation synchronizes neural firing.
J-Comput-Neurosci. 1994 Dec; 1(4): 313-21 PDF
- Ermentrout-B,
Reduction of conductance based models with slow synapses to
neural nets,
Neural Computation (1994)6:679-695
- Ermentrout-B; Kopell-N,
Learning of phase lags in coupled neural
oscillators, Neural Computation (1994)6:225-241
- Ermentrout-GB,
The mathematics of biological oscillators.
Methods-Enzymol. 1994; 240: 198-216
- Gonzalez-Fernandez-JM; Ermentrout-B,
On the origin and dynamics of the vasomotion of small arteries.
Math-Biosci. 1994 Feb; 119(2): 127-67
- Paullet,-Joseph; Ermentrout,-Bard; Troy,-William,
The existence of spiral waves in an oscillatory reaction-diffusion system.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. 54 (1994), no. 5, 1386-1401. pdf
- Ermentrout,-G.-B.; Kopell,-N.,
Inhibition-produced patterning in chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 54 (1994), no. 2, 478-507. pdf
- Paullet,-Joseph-E.; Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Stable rotating waves in two-dimensional discrete active media.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 54 (1994), no. 6, 1720-1744.
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard; Troy,-W.-C.,
Phaselocking in a reaction-diffusion equation with twist.
SIAM-J.-Math.-Anal. [SIAM-Journal-on-Mathematical-Analysis] 25 (1994), no. 6, 1504-1520.
- Ermentrout-B,
Phaseplane analysis of neural nets,
in (MA Arbib, ed) Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks
- Doering-C; Ermentrout-B; Oster-G,
Rotary DNA motors.
Biophys-J. 1995 Dec; 69(6): 2256-67
- Ermentrout-B,
A heuristic description of spiral wave instability in discrete
media, Physica D, 82:154-164, 1995 pdf
- Bauer-AJ; Ermentrout-B,
Origin of pacemaker activity in the stomach
wall and small intestine. In: Pacemaker Activity and Intercellular
Communication, J.D. Huizinga (ed) CRC press pp 237-251 1995
- Edelstein-Keshet-L; Watmouth-J; Ermentrout-G-B,
Trail following in ants: Individual properties determine population behaviour.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,1995 36(2): 119-133
- Peskin-C; Ermentrout-B; Oster-G,
The correlation ratchet: a novel mechanism for generating directed motion by ATP hydrolysis,in Cell Mechanics and Cellular Engineering. V. C. Mow, F. Guilak, R. Tran-Son-Tay and
R. Hochmuth. New York, Springer-Verlag: pp. 479-489.
- Ermentrout-B,
Type I membranes, phase resetting curves, and synchrony.
Neural-Comput. 1996 Jul 1; 8(5): 979-1001 preprint
- Mogilner-A; Edelstein-Keshet-L; Ermentrout-GB,
Selecting a common direction. II. Peak-like solutions representing total alignment of cell clusters.
J-Math-Biol. 1996; 34(8): 811-42 pdf
- Ermentrout,-G.-Bard; Rinzel,-John,
Reflected waves in an inhomogeneous excitable medium.
SIAM-J.-Appl.-Math. [SIAM-Journal-on-Applied-Mathematics] 56 (1996), no. 4, 1107-1128. pdf
- Pinto-DJ; Brumberg-JC; Simons-DJ; Ermentrout-GB,
A quantitative population model of whisker barrels: re-examining the Wilson-Cowan equations.
J-Comput-Neurosci. 1996 Sep; 3(3): 247-64
- Efimov-IR; Ermentrout-B; Huang-DT; Salama-G,
Activation and repolarization patterns are governed by different structural characteristics of ventricular myocardium: experimental study with voltage-sensitive dyes and numerical simulations.
J-Cardiovasc-Electrophysiol. 1996 Jun; 7(6): 512-30
- Harris-AE; Ermentrout-GB; Small-SL,
A model of ocular dominance column development by competition for trophic factor.
Proc-Natl-Acad-Sci-U-S-A. 1997 Sep 2; 94(18): 9944-9 pdf
- Ermentrout-B; Lewis-M,
Pattern formation in systems with one spatially distributed species.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 59(3): 533-549,1997
- Crook-SM; Ermentrout-GB; Vanier-MC; Bower-JM,
The role of axonal delay in the synchronization of networks of coupled cortical oscillators.
J-Comput-Neurosci. 1997 Apr; 4(2): 161-72
- Ermentrout,-Bard; Chen,-Xinfu; Chen,-Zhixiong,
Transition fronts and localized structures in bistable reaction-diffusion equations.
Phys.-D [Physica-D.-Nonlinear-Phenomena] 108 (1997), no. 1-2, 147-167.
- Chen,-Zhixiong; Ermentrout; McLeod,-Bryce,
Traveling fronts for a class of non-local convolution differential equations.
Appl.-Anal. [Applicable-Analysis.-An-International-Journal] 64 (1997), no. 3-4, 235-253.
- Chen-Z; Ermentrout-B; Wang-XJ,
Wave propagation mediated by GABAB synapse and rebound excitation in an inhibitory network: a reduced model approach.
J-Comput-Neurosci. 1998 Mar; 5(1): 53-69
- Paullet-JE; Ermentrout-GB,
Spiral waves in spatially discrete lambda-omega systems, Intl J. Bif. Chaos, 8:33-40 (1998)
- Ermentrout-B,
Neural networks as spatio-temporal pattern-forming systems,
Reports on Progress in Physics, 61:353-430, 1998. PDF
- Ermentrout-B,
Linearization of F-I curves by adaptation.
Neural-Comput. 1998 Oct 1; 10(7): 1721-9 pdf
- Crook-SM; Ermentrout-GB; Bower-JM,
Dendritic and synaptic effects in systems of coupled cortical oscillators.
J-Comput-Neurosci. 1998 Jul; 5(3): 315-29
- Ermentrout-B; Flores-J; Gelperin-A,
Minimal model of oscillations and waves in the Limax olfactory lobe with tests of the model's predictive power.
J-Neurophysiol. 1998 May; 79(5): 2677-89 pdf
- Ermentrout-B,
The analysis of synaptically generated traveling waves.
J-Comput-Neurosci. 1998 May; 5(2): 191-208
- Gutkin-BS; Ermentrout-GB,
Dynamics of membrane excitability determine interspike interval variability: a link between spike generation mechanisms and cortical spike train statistics.
Neural-Comput. 1998 Jul 1; 10(5): 1047-65 pdf
- Edelstein-Keshet-L; Ermentrout-GB,
Models for the length distributions of actin filaments: I. Simple polymerization and fragmentation.
Bull-Math-Biol. 1998 May; 60(3): 449-75 pdf
- Ermentrout-GB; Edelstein-Keshet-L,
Models for the length distributions of actin filaments: II. Polymerization and fragmentation by gelsolin acting together.
Bull-Math-Biol. 1998 May; 60(3): 477-503 pdf
- Crook-SM; Ermentrout-GB; Bower-JM,
Spike frequency adaptation affects the synchronization properties of networks of cortical oscillations.
Neural-Comput. 1998 May 15; 10(4): 837-54 pdf
- Rinzel-J; Terman-D; Wang-X; Ermentrout-B,
Propagating activity patterns in large-scale inhibitory neuronal networks.
Science. 1998 Feb 27; 279(5355): 1351-5
- Ermentrout-GB; Kopell-N,
Fine structure of neural spiking and synchronization in the presence of conduction delays.
Proc-Natl-Acad-Sci-U-S-A. 1998 Feb 3; 95(3): 1259-64 pdf
- Ren,-Liwei; Ermentrout,-G.-Bard,
Monotonicity of phaselocked solutions in chains and arrays of nearest-neighbor coupled oscillators.
SIAM-J.-Math.-Anal. [SIAM-Journal-on-Mathematical-Analysis] 29 (1998), no. 1, 208-234 pdf
- Dilmore JG, Gutkin BS, Ermentrout GB
Effects of dopaminergic modulation of persistent sodium currents on the excitability of prefrontal cortical
neurons: A computational study
NEUROCOMPUTING 26-7: 107-115 JUN 1999 pdf
- Golomb D, Ermentrout GB
Continuous and lurching traveling pulses in neuronal networks with delay and spatially decaying connectivity
P NATL ACAD SCI USA 96: (23) 13480-13485 NOV 9 1999 pdf
- Edelstein-Keshet L, Ermentrout GB
Models for spatial polymerization dynamics of rod-like polymers
J MATH BIOL 40: (1) 64-96 JAN 2000 pdf
- Kopell N, Ermentrout GB, Whittington MA, et al.
Gamma rhythms and beta rhythms have different synchronization properties
P NATL ACAD SCI USA 97: (4) 1867-1872 FEB 15 2000 pdf
- Harris AE, Ermentrout GB, Small SL
A model of ocular dominance column development by competition for trophic factor: Effects of excess trophic
factor with monocular deprivation and effects of antagonist of trophic factor
J COMPUT NEUROSCI 8: (3) 227-250 MAY-JUN 2000
- Gutkin BS, Ermentrout GB, O'Sullivan J
Layer 3 patchy recurrent excitatory connections may determine the spatial organization of sustained activity in
the primate prefrontal cortex
NEUROCOMPUTING 32: 391-400 JUN 2000 pdf
- Golomb D, Ermentrout GB
Effects of delay on the type and velocity of travelling pulses in neuronal networks with spatially decaying
NETWORK-COMP NEURAL 11: (3) 221-246 AUG 2000 pdf
- Ren LW, Ermentrout B
Phase locking in chains of multiple-coupled oscillators
PHYSICA D 143: (1-4) 56-73 SEP 1 2000 pdf
- Whittington MA, Traub RD, Kopell N, et al.
Inhibition-based rhythms: experimental and mathematical observations on network dynamics
INT J PSYCHOPHYSIOL 38: (3) 315-336 DEC 2000 pdf
- Ermentrout GB, Kleinfeld D
Traveling electrical waves in cortex: insights from phase dynamics and speculation on a computational role
NEURON 29: (1) 33-44 JAN 2001 pdf
- Osan R, Ermentrout B
Two dimensional synaptically generated traveling waves in a theta-neuron neural network
NEUROCOMPUTING 38: 789-795 JUN 2001 pdf
- Ermentrout B, Pascal M, Gutkin B
The effects of spike frequency adaptation and negative feedback on the synchronization of neural oscillators
NEURAL COMPUT 13 (6): 1285-1310 JUN 2001 pdf
- Golomb D, Ermentrout GB
Bistability in pulse propagation in networks of excitatory and inhibitory populations
PHYS REV LETT 86 (18): 4179-4182 APR 30 2001 pdf
- Terman DH, Ermentrout GB, Yew AC
Propagating activity patterns in thalamic neuronal networks
SIAM J APPL MATH 61 (5): 1578-1604 MAR 23 2001 pdf
- Ermentrout B, Wang JW, Flores J, and Gelperin, A.
Model for olfactory discrimination and learning in Limax procerebrum incorporating oscillatory dynamics and wave propagation
J NEUROPHYSIOL 85 (4): 1444-1452 APR 2001 pdf
- Curtu, R and Ermentrout, B, Oscillations in a refractory neural net
J. Math Biol 43:81-100 2001 pdf
- David J. Pinto, G. Bard Ermentrout, 2001,
Spatially Structured Activity in Synaptically Coupled Neuronal Networks: I. Traveling Fronts
and Pulses SIAM J. Appl Math. 62(1):206--225 pdf
- David J. Pinto, G. Bard Ermentrout 2001,
Spatially Structured Activity in Synaptically Coupled Neuronal Networks: II. Lateral Inhibition and Standing Pulses SIAM J. Appl Math. 62(1):226--243
- Gutkin BS, Laing CR, Colby CL, et al.
Turning on and off with excitation: The role of spike-timing asynchrony and synchrony in sustained neural activity
J COMPUT NEUROSCI 11 (2): 121-134 2001
- Edelstein-Keshet L, Ermentrout GB
A model for actin-filament length distribution in a lamellipod
J MATH BIOL 43 (4): 325-355 OCT 2001 PDF
- Osan R, Ermentrout B
Development of joint ocular dominance and orientation selectivity maps in a correlation-based neural network model
NEUROCOMPUTING 44: 561-566 JUN 2002
- Laing CR, Troy WC, Gutkin B, et al.
Multiple bumps in a neuronal model of working memory
SIAM J APPL MATH 63 (1): 62-97 NOV 14 2002
- Ermentrout GB, Chow CC
Modeling neural oscillations
PHYSIOL BEHAV 77 (4-5): 629-633 DEC 2002
- Golomb D, Ermentrout GB
Slow excitation supports propagation of slow pulses in networks of excitatory and inhibitory populations
PHYS REV E 65 (6): art. no. 061911 Part 1 JUN 2002
- Osan R, Rubin J, Ermentrout B
Regular traveling waves in a one-dimensional network of theta neurons
SIAM J APPL MATH 62 (4): 1197-1221 APR 22 2002
- Karbowski J, Ermentrout GB
Synchrony arising from a balanced synaptic plasticity in a network of heterogeneous neural oscillators
PHYS REV E 65 (3): art. no. 031902 Part 1 MAR 2002
- Goel P, Ermentrout B
Synchrony, stability, and firing patterns in pulse-coupled oscillators
PHYSICA D 163 (3-4): 191-216 MAR 15 2002 PDF
- Osan R, Ermentrout B
The evolution of synaptically generated waves in one- and two-dimensional domains
PHYSICA D 163 (3-4): 217-235 MAR 15 2002 PDF
- Ermentrout, B. (2003) Dynamical Consequences of Fast-Rising, Slow-Decaying Synapses in Neuronal Networks Neural Computation 15:2483-2522 PDF
- Gutkin, B, Rudolph, M, Ermentrout, B. Spike generating dynamics and the conditions for spike-time precision in
cortical neurons.
J Comput Neurosci. 2003 Jul-Aug;15(1):91-103. PDF
- Ermentrout B, Wang JW, Flores J, Gelperin A.
Model for transition from waves to synchrony in the olfactory lobe of Limax.
J Comput Neurosci. 2004 Nov-Dec;17(3):365-83. PDF
- Karbowski J, Ermentrout GB.
Model of the early development of thalamo-cortical connections and area patterning via signaling molecules.
J Comput Neurosci. 2004 Nov-Dec;17(3):347-63.
- Whitcomb DC, Ermentrout GB.
A mathematical model of the pancreatic duct cell generating high bicarbonate concentrations in pancreatic juice.
Pancreas. 2004 Aug;29(2):e30-40. PDF
- Kopell N, Ermentrout B.
Chemical and electrical synapses perform complementary roles in the synchronization of interneuronal networks.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Oct 26;101(43):15482-7. Epub 2004 Oct 15.
- Gutkin B, Pinto D, Ermentrout B.
Mathematical neuroscience: from neurons to circuits to systems.
J Physiol Paris. 2003 Mar-May;97(2-3):209-19. Review.
- Ermentrout, B and Saunders, D, Phase resetting and coupling of noisy neural oscillators, JCNS Feb 2006 PDF
- JD Drover, GB Ermentrout , Phase Boundaries as Electrically Induced Phosphenes , SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical
Systems 5, 529 (2006) PDF
- B Ermentrout, JD Drover,
Nonlinear Coupling near a Degenerate Hopf (Bautin) Bifurcation
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2003
- J Drover, J Rubin, J Su, B Ermentrout
Analysis of a Canard Mechanism by Which Excitatory Synaptic Coupling Can Synchronize Neurons at low firing frequencies
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2004 65:69-92 PDF
- FG Kazanci, B Ermentrout,
Pattern Formation in an Array of Oscillators with Electrical and Chemical Coupling
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67,
512 (2007) PDF
- Roberto F. Galan, G. Bard Ermentrout and Nathaniel N. Urban (2006).
Predicting synchronized neural assemblies from experimentally estimated
phase-resetting curves. Neurocomputing, 69(10-12), p.1112-1115.
- Chapter on coupled oscillators for MBI - long review PDF
- Draft chapter on recent work in noisy oscillators PDF
- Upperman et al, Mathematical modeling in necrotizing enterocolitis, a new look at an ongoing problem, J. Pediatric Surgery, 2007, PDF