Lyric Assignment
Due March 31 at 10:00 a.m.

Listen to the songs listed below. Pick one and write a paper analyzing the lyrics.
In order to begin this project, you need to listen to the song several times.
Type a copy of the lyrics at the beginning of your paper

Consider these questions among others:

Are the lyrics serious, facetitious or a combination?
What is the point of view? (i.e. who is speaking?)
Whom or what is the speaker addressing?
Is the audience a specific person or a group of people?
If it's a group, is it a specific group or a generalized audience?

What is the speaker's situation?
What is his (or her) frame of mind?
How is that frame of mind reflected by the word choice and imagery?
What is the subject of the lyrics?

Are there any words or phrases that suggest the historical time frame in which the song was written?

Note any word plays that give the lyrics wit or distinctive voice.

You need not consider all these questions. You will likely want to consider others.
Depending on the song, some questions will be more relevant and require more consideration than others.
Between one and two pages, double spaced, should be about right, though some songs might require more explanation.

Songs that you may write about:

A Cottage for Sale
A Fine Romance
Ain't Misbehavin'
At Long Last Love
Blame It On My Youth
Do Nothin' Til You Hear from Me
Don't Blame Me
Don't Get Around Much Anymore
How About You?
I Didn't Know About You
I Get Along Without You Very Well
I Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out to Dry
I Wish I Were in Love Again
I Thought About You
Maybe You'll Be There
Moments Like This
On the Street Where You Live
Rose of Washington Square
The Folks Who Live on the Hill

E-mail the paper to me by 10:00 a.m. on March 31.

E-mail to the following address:

E-mail the paper as an attachment. If you don't know how, come see me and I'll show you. It's easy.