History of Jazz
Spring 2016

Music begins where words leave off.

Joe Wilder, jazz trumpeter

The minute you try to define jazz, you limit it. . . . But jazz is flexible and inclusive. We haven't found its boundaries yet. Maybe we never will.

Conte Candoli, jazz trumpeter

General Information


Phil Atteberry
Office: 305 McKinney Hall
Phone: 827-4458
E-mail: atteberr@pitt.edu
Office Hours: MWF 8:00-9:00, 1:00-2:00
TuTh 8:00-9:30, 1:00-2:00
Also by chance and appointment. Some hours will be held in the Learning Center.


History of Jazz (available on courseweb)


1) To build a basic vocabulary of musical terms.
2) To identify and discuss the central developments in jazz history.
3) To identify and discuss the relationship between jazz and American popular music.
4) To recognize and appreciate some major figures in the history of jazz.
5) To have fun listening to and talking about music.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is important in any class. It is particularly important in this class because some of the music and virtually all of the visuals can only be experienced through the PowerPoints. When you are absent, you miss material that cannot be made up. Therefore, each student will have two excused (not unexcused) absences. Students who miss more will have their final grade average lowered one point for each absence. Students with seven or more absences will not pass. I will take attendance at the beginning of each class. If you arrive after I have taken attendance, remind me to mark you present. I reserve the right, however, to mark absent anyone who is habitually late or extremely late.

Also, please understand that attendance is not just physical but intellectual. If you sleep in class, text, surf the net, do email, catch up on your math homework, write the great American novel, read your history lesson (or even Sports Illustrated), you will be marked absent.

Sometimes students take "bathroom breaks" during class, especially when the music is playing and the temptation to send a couple of texts becomes overwhelming. Obviously, if you need to use the restroom, do so. It's fine. However, don't use a "bathroom break" as a pretext to walk out, stretch your legs, send a text, etc. Unnecessary leaving and entering the room is a distraction for everyone. Excessive leaving the classroom during class will result in being marked absent.


Your final grade will consist of four elements: quizzes 15%, tests 40%, papers 25%, and final project 20%. We will have three tests and a final exam. Quizzes will be frequent and will sometimes include listening questions (i.e. "name that voice," "name that song"). Missed quizzes can not be made up. We will write four papers. They will be short (one to three pages). I will give you are variety of topics from which to choose. You may bring rough drafts by the office and I'll help you. I will also be keeping Learning Center hours this semester, so you may bring drafts by the Learning Center also. All papers must be done in Microsoft Word and submitted via email as attachments. Papers not submitted correctly will not be accepted. If you are not familiar with sending attachments, please see me or one of the support staff in the Computer Center. Any of us will be happy to help you.

Late Policy

Assignments are due on time. Normally assignments will not be accepted late. If you absolutely cannot complete an assignment on time, see me and explain the circumstances before the assignment is due. I will then decide what to do. Do not simply send in late assignments. Late assignments without explanations will not be graded. Also, I reserve the right not to accept assignments by students who have not attended class regularly. In other words, if you are not in class to receive the assignment or hear subsequent discussions and explanations of the assignment, I will likely not accept it.

Web Page

All necessary course materials are available through courseweb. Most of those materials--and some additional materials--may also be accessed through my web page. The web page is available at: www.pitt.edu\~atteberr.


Remember: Teaching is my job; learning is yours. You will get as much out of this course as you put into it. Coming to class is important, but coming ready to learn is even more so. Read your lessons on time; do your homework; be alert; ask questions and you will be successful. View this and other classes as opportunities. Work hard and make the most of them.

Office Hours

My office hours are listed above, posted on my office door and in front of the Registrar's Office. Please feel free to come by and see me anytime I can help you.

Note: The daily syllabus which follows is tentative. Alterations may occur as the semester progresses. Those will be announced in class, and you are responsible for knowing about them, even if you are not in class when they are made.

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