HPS 2682 Theories of Confirmation Spring 2021

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as systematized by science writers

Controversy over the meaning of statistical significance and P-values

American Statistical Association Statement on Statistical Significance and P-Values

"Retire statistical significance," Nature March 2019

Evidence Based Medicine

"Evidence Based Medicine – New Approaches and Challenges" Acta Inform Med. 2008; 16(4): 219–225.

Levels of evidence

"Guidelines in the Context of Evidence," BMJ Quality and Safety, 2007

US Government CDC

Understanding Evidence. Part 1. Best Available Research Evidence. A Guide to the Continuum of Evidence of Effectiveness

NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

Quality of Evidence

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change gives researches a guide for reporting uncertainties

Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties

Bayesian analysis vs inference to the best explanation in the law

Michael S. Pardo and Rondal J. Allen, "Juridical Proof and the Best Explanation," Law and Philosophy, (2008) 27:223–268