HPS 0410 Einstein for Everyone

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The Calculus Behind
The World's Quickest Derivation of E = mc2

John D. Norton
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh

Consider a body of mass m that moves at a speed v very close to the speed of light. A force F acts on it and, as a result, the energy E of the body increases. The speed of the body v cannot exceed c and, as the force continues to act, the speed v approaches c asymptotically. We have:


In this last equation, t is the independent variable. So the equation tracks how energy E(t), mass m(t) and speed v(t) grown as a function of time t.

Our concern, however, is to see how mass grows as we increase the energy of the body. To track that, we need to make energy E the independent variable; and to take time t(E), mass m(E) and speed v(E) all to be functions of E. Multiplying the last equation by dt(E)dEand using the chain rule, we recover:

1=v2dmdtdtdE+mvdvdtdtdE=v2dmdE+mvdvdE Rearranging we recover dmdE=1v2mvdvdE

We now take the limit in which the energy E grows large. In that limit, v approaches c asymptotically and dvdE approaches zero. In this limit we have: limEdmdE=1c2

This equation is the result. It tells us that mass m grows incrementally by 1c2 for each unit of energy E added. While this result holds generally, this simple demonstration returns the result only in the special case in which the energy E of the body has grown so large that its speed is close to c.

Thanks to Christian Seberino for suggesting this calculation.

Copyright John D. Norton. May 8, 2015.