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Choosing the Future of Science: The Social Organization of Scientific Inquiry

Saturday - Sunday, 20-21 April 2013
Center for Philosophy of Science
817 Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA

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The operation and achievements of the present social organization of science are well-studied. Less attention has been given to alternative forms of organization and their consequences. This conference will examine past, present, and especially novel forms of social organization of science and their consequences, using methods from philosophy, history, psychology, economics, sociology, and science studies.

The conference will follow Philip Kitcher’s Salmon Lecture at the University of Pittsburgh (tentatively entitled “Collective Inquiry”) on 19 April. Additional invited talks will be given by David Guston (Co-Director, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes / Arizona State University), Rainer Hegselmann (Universitat Bayreuth), Miriam Solomon (Temple University), Kyle Stanford (UC Irvine / Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh), Michael Strevens (New York University), Michael Weisberg (University of Pennsylvania), and Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon University).


Organizing Committee

Kyle Stanford, Chair (UC Irvine, CPS Senior Visiting Fellow)
Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon University)
Michael Weisberg (University of Pennsylvania)
John Norton (University of Pittsburgh)
Jim Woodward (University of Pittsburgh)



Revised 5/8/13 - Copyright 2010