Present: Arlene Taylor (Chair), Rosann Bazirjian, Pat Callahan,
Shirley Coleman, Jane Greenberg, Ray Schwartz, Pat Walker, Arline
Zuckerman, +four guests
Absent: Sarah Bryan, Mitch Turitz
Arlene Taylor called the meeting to order, and the committee approved the minutes of the meetings held in San Antonio at Midwinter. Introductions were given and the agenda was also approved.
The committee reviewed the report from the Topics Subcommittee. Arlene summarized topics for which we have had Briefing Papers published to date to be considered in light of new topics identified by the Topics Subcommittee.
Arlene discussed the Invitational Conference on Authorities, a summary of which can be found on OCLC's web site. The committee decided that the international aspects of authority control would be a good topic for a future briefing paper. Authority control in a multilingual environment could include projects which were discussed at the OCLC conference. Shirley Coleman agreed to be the editor of this article, tentatively slated as Briefing Paper #10.
Jane Greenberg indicated that Colleen Hyslop's paper will cover two issues of the ALCTS Newsletter, one issue focusing on an overview of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging and the second focusing on more specific aspects of the Program.
Pat Callahan will check once again with Eric Morgan about suggested writers for a Briefing Paper on Web interfaces. The committee also felt a Briefing Paper could be developed as a spinoff of the Program being planned for San Francisco. This paper should be published AFTER the Program rather than before.
The committee discussed the possibility of a paper on ADA compliance and online catalogs. There was general agreement that such a "consciousness raising" paper might be useful. Phil Smith from Ohio State was suggested as a possible author.
The committee reevaluated the journals which we have been monitoring, and agreed that we would remove Information Systems Management from the roster. Jane Greenberg suggested that some "Proceedings" journals might be good to add. The committee also felt that there are certain ejournals which would be worthy of monitoring. We agreed to suggest specific titles to CFFC using E-mail.
Ray Schwartz distributed copies of the Program Proposal for San Francisco 1997, and it was agreed that we would discuss the proposal in detail at the second meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:35pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Rosann Bazirjian.
Present: Arlene Taylor (chair), Rosann Bazirjian, Pat Callahan,
Shirley Coleman, Jane Greenberg, Ray Schwartz, Mitch Turitz, Pat
Walker, Arline Zuckerman, +five guests
Absent: Sarah Bryan
Arlene Taylor called the meeting to order.
The committee reviewed the Program Proposal for ALA Annual 1997 in San Francisco. The committee agreed on a new title: "From Catalog to Gateway: URIs, Metadata and the Dublin Core." We changed expected attendance to 400, and Ray mentioned that there were two cosponsors for the program, the RUSA/MOPSS Catalog Use Committee and the LITA-TESLA Committee. The committee agreed to some changes in equipment requests, and the handout budget for the Program. Ray will submit this proposal to the Program Planning Committee.
The committee gave Arlene Taylor permission to announce the CFFC homepage on Autocat, Intercat and any other applicable listservs. We discussed the possibility of ALCTS setting a policy on committee home pages and where they should reside.
The committee discussed Section Representation on Division level committees. We agreed that section representation was important and felt it needed to be continued. We also felt that for CFFC, we want two year terms for the representatives for the effectiveness of the work of this committee. We also agreed that there needs to be a standardized way of making appointments and asked for more clarification regarding how the Section Chair nomination to the Vice President works. The committee agreed that CRG is in a better position than us to say whether or not they feel they need representation on our committee.
Pat Walker and Jane Greenberg reported on the LITA Online Catalog Interest Group program titled "Transformation of the Online Catalog." Both Pat and Jane felt that the speakers discussed OPAC accessibility via the Web beyond the bibliographic record and perhaps the title of the program did not accurately reflect the papers presented.
Pat Callahan and Ray Schwartz reported on the ALCTS Task Force on MetaAccess. Pat and Ray felt that the Task Force is laying out the areas in which they will need to make specific recommendations.
Pat Callahan discussed the ALA/RASD/MOPS/Catalog Use Committee CONDOC discussion. He gave out handouts to committee members summarizing the various issues being addressed. The committee is trying to get input from people as to what they feel needs to be included in this second iteration of CONDOC. Pat feels that there is ample room to have input into the process, and suggested that comments be sent to Ellen Crosby at either or
The meeting adjourned at 5:45pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Rosann Bazirjian