Chicago, IL
Sunday, June 25, 1995
Present: Kit Herlihy (Chair), John Byrum, Ray Schwartz, Pat Walker, Arline Zuckerman, Arlene Taylor (Incoming Chair), 10+ guests
Absent: Rosann Bazirjian, Sarah Bryan, Ruth Christ, Pat Duck, Jean Hudgins
The meeting was called to order by Kit Herlihy. Ray Schwartz reported on the status of the next briefing paper by Mary Micco, entitled " Subject Authority Control in the World of Internet." Given the paper's length, it will be published in two parts as the 5th and 6th numbers of the series in successive issues of the ALCTS Newsletter (September and November.)
Kit reported for Sarah Bryan on the preparation of the 7th paper by Ed Gaynor about the impact of mark-up language on bibliographic access. This paper is expected to be ready for the January, 1996, issue of the Newsletter.
A review of a report from Rosann Bazirjian, chair of the topics subcommittee, led into a wide-ranging discussion of possible briefing paper topics beyond #7. Two topics emerged for possible consideration: an overview of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) and the access implications of the Universal Resource Identifier (URI). The latter was discussed as a promising topic for an annual meeting program offering as well.
Ray Schwartz reported that he had already begun collecting information about administrative details for a program offering. He agreed to continue developing the URI idea and to begin to identify possible speakers.
In other business, Arline Zuckerman agreed to prepare a report of the CFFC's work for publication in CCQ. Topics for the next day's meeting were identified: further discussion of briefing paper topics and of the program offering and committee member assignments.
Chicago, IL
Monday, June 26, 1995
Present: Kit Herlihy (Chair), John Byrum, Ray Schwartz, Pat Walker, Arline Zuckerman, Arlene Taylor (Incoming Chair), 6+ guests
Absent: Rosann Bazirjian, Sarah Bryan, Ruth Christ, Pat Duck, Jean Hudgins
Kit called the meeting to order and introduced the topic of committee assignments. Because of the number absent as well as the turnover in committee membership, it was decided that Arlene Taylor, incoming chair would take care of any needed assignments.
Discussion continued about the development of a program offering about URI's that would possibly be preceded by a briefing paper on the subject. The committee decided to plan this program for the 1997 annual conference in San Francisco.
The committee then discussed the topic for paper # 8, proposed at the previous day's meeting by John Byrum. An overview of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging and its possible impacts on users and on the profession was regarded as a good balance to the more narrowly-focussed papers recently appearing in the series. Various potential authors were discussed. Arlene Taylor suggested that Jane Greenberg, incoming committee member, would agree to serve as issue coordinator for paper # 8. Jane (who was present as a guest) agreed to do so and to work with John Byrum to identify an author.
Kit Herlihy thanked committee members for their work.
Patricia O. Walker
Associate University Librarian
Paul L. Dunbar Library
Wright State University
Dayton OH 45435
Phone: 513/873-2380
Fax: 513/873-4109