Absent: Sarah Bryan, Mitch Turitz
Arlene Taylor called the meeting to order, and the committee approved the minutes of meetings held in Chicago at the previous conference. The committee then reviewed the report from the topics sub-committee that summarized topics from the literature, relevant to the briefing paper series. Several hold-over topics from previous reports were apparent as were some new subjects.
Arlene Taylor, in Sarah Bryan's absence, gave a status report on briefing paper #7 by Ed Gaynor, entitled "From MARC to Markup: SGML and Online Library Systems." Arlene summarized the content of the draft and announced that it would appear in volume7, no.2 of the ALCTS Newsletter.
Jane Greenberg, the member responsible for paper #8, announced that Colleen Hyslop from Michigan State University has agreed to author the next briefing paper on the subject of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging. Paper #8 is planned for publication in volume 7, no.4 of the Newsletter.
The committee then discussed possible topics for paper # 9. Building on the idea for our program offering, the committee discussed the advisability of a paper about the effect of URx's on the catalog and after much discussion, moved toward the access to OPACs through the World Wide Web instead. More discussion of this possible topic was postponed to the next day's meeting.
Ray Schwartz reported on progress toward developing a program for the 1997 annual conference. Details of the proposal submission process, the program outline, and the identification three speakers were discussed. The committee agreed on the tentative title of "Transforming the Catalog: URx's, Metadata, and the Dublin Core."
Absent: Rosann Bazirjian, Sarah Bryan
Arlene Taylor called the meeting to order. Arline Zuckerman agreed to write up a report of CFFC's activities for publication in CCQ.
The committee heard reports on the work of three ALCTS groups working on various cataloging projects. The Task Force to Define Bibliographic Access in an Electronic Environment established 4 tasks to fulfill its charge: to explore 1) the relationship between records and the objects themselves, 2) bibliographic control mechanisms, 3) the re-direction of resources, and 4) cooperative relationships with groups outside of the library community. The Task Force maintains a web page: http://www.lib.virginia.edu/alcts with information about its work, and comments can be sent to: ALCTS_TF@virginia.edu.
The ALCTS/CCS/SAC Subcommittee on Form Headings/Subdivisions Implementation recently met for the first time to discuss coordinating the work by various groups to implement the newly defined USMARC subfield $v for form subdivisions and/or to place form headings in field 655. They are in the process defining tasks and making assignments.
The ALCTS/CCS/SAC Subcommittee on Subject Relationship/Reference Structures in the Catalog has the job of examining relationships in subjects that may be useful to users, how to record these in authority records, and how to present subject headings to users in online catalog displays. They are planning a research project to determine the usefulness of certain relationships.
The committee then discussed the need for a new topics coordinator to replace outgoing member, Rosann Bazirjian. Arlene will contact Sarah Bryan about serving in this role.
The committee then returned to a discussion of the topic and author for paper #9. Pat Callahan agreed to coordinate this paper about Web interfaces to library catalogs and the choices made as these interfaces are developed. He will contact Eric Morgan about authoring this paper.
The program for the 1997 conference was discussed again with attention to the length of time needed to cover the topicand the best day/time to request for it in the schedule. The committee also agreed that it would be desirable to seek co-sponsorship with LITA for this program. Ray Schwartz will follow up with this idea and prepare the proposal for submission at the New York conference in July, 1996.
Arlene Taylor adjourned the meeting and thanked the committee members for their work.
Patricia O. Walker
Associate University Librarian
Paul L. Dunbar Library
Wright State University
Dayton OH 45435
Phone: 513/873-2380
Fax: 513/873-4109