From Wed Feb 14 15:56:33 1996
January 27, 1995
to: USMARC list
from: Josephine Crawford (
re: Report on the Fall 1994 MARBI Questionnaire
In September 1994, I wrote and distributed a questionnaire on the USMARC list
to pull together information about the probable impact of the introduction of
the subfield $v in subject heading fields. For more information, please see
Discussion Paper #74, Discussion Paper #79, and Proposal 95-2. This report
contains the result of my compilation.
Many, many thanks to the dozen or so people who helped and guided me in my
efforts, especially Arlene Taylor and Priscilla Caplan. And many thanks to
the respondents who included substantive comments in their questionnaire;
their analysis and insights have moved my thinking along considerably.
The questionnaire had 25 questions, divided into the following sections:
The compilation below will show the wording of the original question, numerical
results as appropriate, direct quotes from many of the questionnaires, and
a few explanatory comments.
A word of warning about the results presented here, particularly the numerical
results. The figures represent serious estimates of the amount of effort
required by key North American institutions to implement the $v proposal
"in a minimum way." Since not every affected system has responded, the totals
do not represent an absolute measure of effort across all systems. I believe
that the figures show the minimum effort required to improve the machine
control we have over subject heading form subdivisions, for newly created
Responses indicate that some systems are interested enough in the
potential of the $v that retrospective conversion might indeed be undertaken
locally. Many questionnaire respondents acknowledged that their
decision-making will be influenced by LC's actions.
The questionnaire did not attempt to gather work estimates required to
perform retrospective conversion, because I felt too little was known about
the potential process last summer to yield accurate results. Comments in
the responses do suggest that conversion across libraries and systems is only
feasible if it can be performed by machine only; yet, the algorithm presented
in the restrospective conversion section (the best algorithm several minds
could come up with last summer) assumed a combined machine/human conversion
effort. More analysis work is underway by members of the ALCTS Subject
Analysis Committee, which ought to help us in future estimate the
work required to perform retrospective conversion across systems.
This questionnaire was an attempt to document the costs involved with a
proposed USMARC change. I volunteered to take this on, thinking of it
as an experiment, because I am interested in possible methods to improve
and expedite MARBI decision-making. Your comments about the methodology
and process are most welcome.
Please keep these comments in mind as you review and interpret the
results below. And, if there are any questions about this report, please
let me know by private email or by the USMARC list (your preference), and
I will try to respond promptly, given the upcoming ALA Midwinter meeting.
note: an asterisk in the far left column indicates wording from the
original questionnaire.
*NOTE: Please answer the questions in this section based upon doing
*EXAMPLE: At the current time, form subdivisions are stored in
*4. When a new field or subfield is defined in the USMARC format,
*The following information is supplied to help you make this
* __8__ YES Working days _____ 56.5 ___________
*6. If the $v subfield is defined in the USMARC formats, would you
*have to make any programming changes to any cataloger workforms or
*online cataloger displays that are used for inputting and editing?
* __5__ YES Working days _______ 18.5 __________
*7. If the $v subfield is defined, would you have to make any
*programming changes to any other display programs for a "minimal"
*8. If the $v subfield is defined in the USMARC formats, would you
*have to make any programming changes to any data validation
*routines which might be present in your system? (It might be that
*all data validation for subject headings is done by authority
*control programs. If this is the case, answer NO here because of
*question 11.)
* __5__ YES Working days _______ 113 _______
*9. If the $v subfield is defined in the USMARC formats, would you
*have to make any programming changes to any programs which index
*subject heading fields?
* __10__ YES Working days _______ 183.5 ________
*10. If the $v subfield is defined in the USMARC formats, would you
*have to make any programming changes to any programs which create
*reports, printed forms, or printouts?
* __11__ YES Working days _______ 86.5 __________
*11. Some systems support links and/or global changes between
*authority records and bibliographic records. Sometimes this is
*done for names and not topical subject headings, or for one subject
*thesaurus but not for others. Sometimes this is done online and
*other times it is done in batch mode.
* __5__ All thesauri in one program change
* Working days ____ 257 _________
* Working days ____ 90 __________
* Working days ______ 5 __________ (Marcive)
* __2__ Medical Subject Headings
* Working days _____ 15 ____________
* Working days ______ 0 ____________
* __1__ Other: ____ Sears ____
Working days ______ 5 ___________ (Marcive)
*12. Does your software support the USMARC classification format?
*If this is the case, and if the $v subfield is defined, what impact
*would this have on any classification programs? Please place an X
*by all the choices below which apply; explanatory comments are also
* __18__ USMARC classification format not supported.
* __1__ No impact on any programs which support the
* __1__ As currently programmed, fields with $v would
* __1__ Programming changes already estimated above would be
* __1__ Programming changes different from that estimated
* Working days ____ 6.25 ______ (LC CDS)
*13. Does your system software support the USMARC Community
*Information format? If this is the case and, if the $v subfield is
*defined, what impact would this have on any programs which support
*your community information records? Please check all choices below
*that apply.
* __17_ USMARC Community Information Format not supported.
* (if you check this, do not check any other choices)
* __1__ No impact on any programs which support the Community
* Information Format.
* __0__ As currently programmed, fields with $v would
* __3__ Programming changes already estimated above would be
* __0__ Programming changes different from that estimated
* Working days _____ 0 __________
*14. If the $v subfield is defined, would you have to make any
* __0__ Not applicable. No programs of this type.
* __14_ No impact on any program(s) creating output files.
* __6__ Programming changes needed for outputting records.
* Please estimate staff time in same manner as above.
* Working days _____ 158 __________
*To undertake such a conversion, your computer program would need
*A computer algorithm summarized as follows might be used:
As noted in my opening remarks, analysis is underway on the percentage of
records that could be converted by machine versus those requiring human
intervention. Preliminary results indicate that it may be possible to
perform a machine conversion on some form subdivisions, with a very low
error rate. Questionnaire respondents also supplied some good ideas on
how to improve the algorithm described here.
*15. How many total records in your system(s) would need
* ___________ Number of records needing conversion
The wording of this question turned out to be ambiguous and I don't believe
that the results are usable. Some people supplied the total number of
records in their database, since presumably all would need to be examined
during a conversion. Others supplied an estimate of the records which
would require a modification from $x to $v. Others left this question blank
or put in a comment like "only authority records need be converted."
*16. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the suggested
HARVARD UNIVERSITY : "Build tables of combinations of possible form
terms with switch/don't switch flags, or tables of terms which cause
a preceding form term to be left as an $x, etc. Determine where
coded characteristics in the Leader/008 can disambiguate dual-use
MARCIVE, INC. : "Considerable study needed to develop adequate
NLM : "MeSH MARC is available from NLM."
OCLC : "The algorithm as suggested would not be easily implemented
within our current authority control. Subject corrections at OCLC
for LCSH are not made based on their position in a subject string.
Therefore, relying on matching against a defined set of terms, and
then checking on position, while it will work for MeSH, will not
work for LCSH."
WLN : "Leader byte 6, 007, and 008 data elements could certainly be
used to provide additional information about the form of the material.
E.G., if a record's subject had $xMaps and Leader byte 6 was 'e' or 'f'
or 007/00 was 'a', change $xMaps to $vMaps, or use 008/24-27 (Nature
of contents) in books and serials format to identify 'Catalogs", etc.
It would be extremely complicated to analyze, design and program and
I doubt that we would do this amount of work to correct only a portion
of the records with dual-function subdivisions. Most of the dual-
function subdivisions would require human review, record by record."
* __2__ No opinion.
* __4__ Not necessary for conversion to occur at same time.
* __6__ Best if all systems convert databases at same time.
* __5__ Important if utilities convert at same time,
* whereas local systems can convert anytime
* afterwards.
*COMMENTS: (take as much space as you need)
LC CDS : "Would require redistribution of LC records to be effective
and in synch. Can systems handle such a high volume redistribution?"
MARCIVE, INC. : "With present diversity of vendors, systems, and
libraries, simultaneous conversion cannot possibly occur. Therefore,
it does not matter if it is a good idea or not."
OCLC : "The movement of records is not unidirectional. Records may
move from utility to local system, back to utility, and then to
another utility. Records may also move from local system to local
system. If any form of automated authority control is present at
any step, the chances for reconversion and misconversion are
greatly enhanced."
UNIV OF CALIFORNIA: "Conversion is important for user services. I can
imagine our system adding these kinds of form subdivisions to our
'AND FORM' add-on search that now makes use of Leader values for
Record Type, plus additional information in 007 fields to identify
the type of material. A&I databases on our system often have
'document type' codes that are very useful...."
WLN : "In an ideal world, LC would convert all of it's records,
redistribute them, and save all systems xxx conversion effort and cost.
But whatever LC's role in implementing the $v proposal, every system
has to be prepared to convert records or be faced with mixed files
because the past is long and old records and old style of headings
will always be with us. Thus conversion programs will have to be
running whenever records are loaded or batch processing will have to
periodically perform this type of cleanup."
*for each thesaurus.
* Library of Congress Subject Headings
_11_ YES _2_ NO _8_ No opinion.
* LC's Children's Subject Headings
_7_ YES _2_ NO _12_ No opinion.
* Medical Subject Headings
_8_ YES _2_ NO _11_ No opinion.
* Art and Architecture Thesaurus
_4_ YES _1_ NO _16_ No opinion.
* Other thesaurus: _________________________
_0_ YES _0_ NO _21_ No opinion.
*19. In your environment, is it reasonable for a "minimal
* _2__ We have no databases to convert.
* _13_ It is reasonable for a minimal implementation to occur
* _5__ In our environment, we would be forced to undertake a
* _5__ Library of Congress Subject Headings
* _5__ LC's Children's Subject Headings
* _3__ Medical Subject Headings
* _1__ Art and Architecture Thesaurus
* _2__ Other: Canadian (Eng. & Fr.) and NAL
* COMMENTS: (take as much space as you need)
HARVARD : "This depends on LC's policy with regard to the use of the $v
for LCSH and on the policies of the utilities regarding accepting
records with pre-$v coding. We anticipate no benefit from the $v
implementation, and at a minimum would simply insure that $v could
be imported, exported, and treated like $x's for all system functions.
If LC were to adopt the $v and one of the utilities were to insist
on its use in contributed records, we would have to consider retro.
conversion. You do not ask for an estimate of the working days
required to accomplish that? The only local reason would be the
impact of the $v on heading maintenance over time..."
MARC OF QUALITY : "If retrospective conversions are necessary, our
program can help libraries to do it themselves."
OCLC : "As a national utility, we have a commitment to provide high
quality, accurate records following current standards as to tagging,
coding, and content. Not converting would mean split files in our
database, and for our member libraries. This would negate the
advantages for indexing and displays that implementing the $v would
provide. With the move towards greater reliance on batch processes
to acquire records, more manual intervention on the part of receiving
libraries would be needed if we don't convert, or if conversion is
not simultaneous. Each library would incur costs and do repetitive
labor as they duplicate the work to check and/or convert.
WLN : "Conversion of the database for the single function 'form' terms
from one subfield code to another is not the labor intensive part of
this project for WLN. After all the validation software, edit tables,
and other system changes are made, programs are already in place that
can make this change given a list of 'before' and 'after' forms of
subdivision headings. And since the WLN Authority File is linked to
the bibliographic records, only the authority heading must be changed,
not the individual bib records."
*20. Is it likely that you will improve the display of subject
* __7__ Not applicable in our systems environment.
* __6__ Unknown at this time.
* __4__ YES. We plan to do this.
* __4__ NO. We do not plan to do this.
[multiple reasons given by same four organizations]
* _2_ Too much work.
* _2_ Other development priorities.
* _1_ Other. Please supply reason:
* _6_ Not applicable to our systems environment.
* _8_ Unknown at this time.
* _2_ YES. We plan to do this.
* _4_ NO. We do not plan to do this.
* _5__ Not applicable to our systems environment.
* _3__ Unknown at this time.
* _6__ YES. We plan to do this.
* _6__ NO. We do not plan to do this.
[multiple reasons given by some organizations]
* _0_ Not seen as an improvement.
* _2_ Too much work.
* _5_ Other development priorities.
* _2_ Other. Please supply reason:
"Searching by subdivision is already supported." (RLG)
*23. Are there any other improvements which you are likely to do
* SUPPLY AMOUNT OF TIME IN MONTHS: ___________________
*25. If you have any additional comments, please feel free to make
BLACKWELL NORTH AMERICA: "From the point of view of authority control, once
a $x has been validated as a topic, any repeated authroity control on the
field will require repeated validation. Possible solutions:
HARVARD: "Our basic concern about this proposal is that it will require quite
a lot of work to implenent, that in the absence of universal retrospective
conversion there are no benefits, and even with universal conversion, we are
not convinced that the potential benefits would be substantial. Many of the
desired effects can now be accomplished with Boolean operators, with the
655/755 field, or could be accomplished through coded elements in the LEADER
or 008. Our main concern is the ambiguity of LCSH, and we cannot reliably
judge the impact without knowing how and to what extent LC would choose to use
the $v in LCSH. While some terms are obviously forms, others will require
judgement (and result in disagreements) both on the part of the cataloger and
on the part of the patron, which does not seem to in the interest of
cataloging simplification or improved access. For those thesauri where
conversion could be completely automated, the project is a little easier,
but we are still not overwhelmed by the potential benefits. Practically,
like it or not, LCSH is the dominant thesaurus, and the preponderant impact
of this proposal will be its impact on LCSH."
JES LIBRARY AUTOMATION: "The proposed change will have a greater impact on our
clients than on our programmers. The headings that must be handled manually
could result in much work. We already have some diagnostics [statistics]
that can help..... I searched four databases for the keyword 'maps' and other
possible dual function words that we discussed (periodicals, personal
narratives, atlases, congresses, diaries, and biography). I counted the
number of subject headings, the number with one $x, the number with more than
one $x, the number with no $x, and the number in which a $x was the last
subfield..... More than 100,000 headings may require changing in each
LC MUMS SYSTEM : "Answers are provided by LC APLO (Collections Services) and
ITS pertaining to the MUMS bibliographic system. CDS is providing a separate
response for the MARC distribution system. Associated systems, such as
SCORPIO and ACCESS for retrieval, and related client-server databases may
also require modification. Many of the afore-mentioned activities would
occur in parallel, within the context of a specification development, coding,
integration testing, and assurance testing development cycle. It is estimated
at this time that 181 working days are required.... for implementation in
late 1996, following completion of Phase 2 of Format Integration."
LC CDS : "CDS, as the cataloging distribution arm of LC, offers many products
including MARC records that implementation of this proposal would impact. Our
responses to this survey reflect the impacts this proposal would have across
all our products. The estimates given in our responses at this point are mere
guesses. If this proposal goes forward, further indepth analysis would have
to be done to assess the wide ranging impacts. We anticipate it will be no
small feat to accommodate the new $v across all our products. In our
estimation the benefits of this proposal do not outweigh the costs. As an
alternative, we suggest further exploration of the use of field 655 for
bibliographic records be done for newly created and modified book records.
The advantages of use of the 655 are twofold: 1) raises the distinction
to the field rather than the subfield level and 2) the 655 field already
exists, hence easier to implement."
THE MARC OF QUALITY : "Our software can let the user find any subfield code
present in a MARC record. It can also find a given code and specified data.
It could be used by libraries to assist in retrospective conversion, if the
lists of approved form subdivisions and dual form subdivisions for each
thesaurus are made publicly available. It could produce reports of the
control numbers and relevant data in records needing to be changed, allowing
the libraries to find and change those records manually from within their
own system. Alternatively, libraries could use it to copy only those
records needing to be changed into a separate file. This smaller file
could then be sent to a vendor (or some other central site) for global
changing, a significant cost saving over sending the entire file."
NLM : "... MeSH presently distinguishes form subheadings from topical
subheadings, and NLM retains this distinction within its internal files,
including its cataloging systems.
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS : "Subject search algorithms, either for browsing the
subject index or for subject keyword search and retrieval, make no
distinction between subject headings and ANY type of subdivision, so there
is no point in distinguishing them for any altered indexing, retrieval, or
display. We also would not expect us to have to make such distinctions
among types of subdivisions.
WLN : "The 655 field was supposed to perform the function which is now being
proposed in this $v proposal. It appears that if this field had been widely
used in the library community, there would be no need for the $v proposal.
I fear that what is being proposed is a patch job, a reaction to the lack of
full implementation of an existing field that has the potential for rich
Due to obvious space limitations, I have only selectively presented
quotations from the questionnaire responses. I originally attempted to
write a summary, but found my writing and synthesis skills not up to the
task, given the extremely different points of view and the many complicated
issues. I came to the conclusion that supplying direct quotes would work
This approach has added to the length of this report, and I applaud you
if you have reached this ending point! Please note that, in my selection of
quotes, I have attempted to represent all points of view in a balanced format,
to the best of my ability. With luck, I have not overlooked any crucial
remarks. But, if I have, please post them on the USMARC list!
Again, many thanks to the people who have aided me over the last five months
or so. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly or to ask questions
on the USMARC list about this report. I will do my best to respond quickly.
Josephine Crawford
Health Sciences Library
University of Wisconsin
(608) 262-5709
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:33:08 -0500
From: Josephine Crawford
Reply to:
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Proposal 95-2 : Report on $v Questionnaire : WARNING: 1100 LINE
Health Sciences Library
University of Wisconsin
on Form Subdivision Subfield Delimiter
Ameritech Library Services
Blackwell North America
Cornell University
Data Research Associates
Geac Canada Limited
Harvard University Library
ISM Library Information Systems
JES Library Automation
Library of Congress, APLO and ITS Offices
Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service
The MARC of Quality
Marcive, Inc.
Michigan State University, University Archives
National Library of Medicine
Research Libraries Group
University of California, Division of Library Automation
University of North Florida
University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin, Madison
VTLS, Inc.
I received a total of 22 responses.
I treated one response as invalid, because the answers showed some
misunderstandings, in my judgement, on the part of the institution.
* __4__ Bibliographic utility
* __6__ Vendor of local systems
* __7__ Library which develops and maintains local system
* __6__ Vendor of services which process USMARC records
* (e.g. authority control service; GPO record
* processing)
* __5__ Vendor which develops specialized programs
* (e.g. an off-the-shelf program for creating spine
* labels or a customized program for downloading or
* uploading records)
* __10_ Developer of Z39.50 server/client software
* __3__ Other:
- A national library which creates and distributes
original cataloging records.
- An institution responsible for a subject heading list.
- An institution responsible for an online union catalog.
Even though the total number of responses was low, the answers in this
section show a wonderful mix of organizations took a serious interest in
the $v proposal. All four bibliographic utilities responded. Two national
libraries responded. Vendors providing different types of systems and
services responded. Finally, a large number of organizations working with
Z39.50 client/server software responded, leading me to the conclusion that
the questionnaire has pulled in data from older, well-entrenched systems
as well as the newer, state-of-the-art systems.
Horizon (Ameritech)
NOTIS (Cornell Univ)
Data Research (DRA)
Geac Advance (Geac Canada)
HOLLIS (Harvard Univ)
CDS Products (LC)
MARC Review (MARC of Quality)
MicroMARC:amc (Michigan State Univ)
RLIN: Eureka and Zephyr (RLG)
MELVYL (Univ of Calif)
UTCAT (Univ of Texas)
Network Library System (Univ of Wisconsin)
LaserCat & MARS (WLN)
15 organizations supplied a figure to this question. Answers range
from one installation (i.e. a local library), to vendors with
installations numbering 12 to 600, to a bibliographic utility
with 5,000+ cataloging installations.
*the minimum amount of work to handle subfield $v in your software.
*The assumption behind these questions is that, once defined in the
*USMARC formats, your organization will have to do some work with
*the subfield $v but may prefer to do so in a minimum way, due to
*other development priorities. Due to the uniqueness of your
*software, only you can determine the minimum amount of work which
*you must do but we would like to know how much effort this would
*subfield $x along with topical subdivisions. In a minimal
*implementation, you might choose not to perform retrospective
*conversion to move form subdivisions to subfield $v. But you do
*want new bibliographic records to reflect the current standard so
*that catalogers can accept cataloging records with $v from a
*utility. Therefore, you must add the subfield $v to your tag table
*and make changes to your indexing and display routines. To keep to a
*minimum your changes to your indexing program, you might choose to
*treat subfield $v in exactly the same manner as your indexing
*program currently handles the data in subfield $x.
*Presumably it is less work to add another subfield to programming
*logic already present in your software rather than to create new
*logic from scratch.
*does your software require a change to one or more tag tables or
*data dictionaries? Or, is there another mechanism in place? In
*either case, please estimate the number of working days for all
*involved staff. If less than one day, please indicate how many
*hours expressed as a fraction.
* Bibliographic format: add $v to 10 fields
* Authority format: add $v to 18 fields; define 4 new fields
* Classification format: add $v to 6 fields
* Community Information format: add $v to 8 fields
*The actual fields are listed in Attachment A of MARBI Discussion
*Paper No. 74.
* __15__ TAG TABLE Working days ____ 150.75 ____
low : 1 hour (Univ Texas; JES)
high : 72 days (LC MUMS system)
mean : 10.05 days
median : 2 days
In other words, 15 organizations would need to do some work
on a system tag table for an estimated total of 150.75 days.
There was a real difference in the range of time given to the
Working Days part of the question; for that reason, I am supplying the
the range (lowest estimate and highest estimate), the arithmetic mean
(or average), the median (midpoint of actual values), and the name of
the system supplying a specific estimate, when this seems of interest.
* __5__ OTHER MECHANISM Working days _____ 57.5 ______
low : 1 day (NLM)
high : 30 days (LC MUMS system)
mean : 11.5 days
median : 5 days
In other words, five organizations would need to spend time on
some other mechanism for a total of 57.5 days. Interestingly enough,
a couple of organizations would need to spend time on both a tag
table as well as some other mechanism.
In other words, three organizations would not need to do any
work of this type.
*5. If the $v subfield is defined in the USMARC formats, will you
*need to make programming changes to any programs used to load new
*bibliographic records into your system? You may have more than
*one program and all should be taken into account (for instance, you
*may have a batch loading program as well as an online transfer
*program). If answering yes, please estimate the time in the same
*way as above.
low : 1 day (NLM)
high : 20 days (LC MUMS; also LC CDS)
mean : 7.9 days
median : 3 days
low : 4 hours (Univ Texas)
high : 10 days (LC MUMS)
mean : 3.7 days
median : 5 days
* __14__ YES Working days ______ 150.25 _________
low : 2 hours (Ameritech)
high : 80 days (LC CDS)
mean : 10.7 days
median : 1.75 days
For most of these 14 organizations, the amount of time was low
such as one or two days. One vendor estimated 20
working days and LC estimated 30 working days for the MUMS system.
LC also estimated 80 working days for displays programmed by CDS
for the CDMARC Bibliographic product; this is the highest estimate.
low : 1 day (OCLC)
high : 72 days (LC MUMS)
mean : 22.6 days
median : 10 days
one response : "unknown number of days"
low : 4 hours (Michigan State)
high : 60 days (LC CDS)
mean : 20.3 days
median : 8 days
one response: "unknown no of days"
low : 4 hours (Michigan State)
high : 30 days (LC CDS)
mean : 8.65 days
median : 5 days
* If subfield $v is defined, would you have to make any changes
*to any existing authority control programs? If yes, would the same
*changes apply to all thesauri or would you have to handle each
*thesaurus separately? Please check off whatever applies to your
*situation and estimate the number of working days/hours for each.
*Explanatory comments are also welcome (use as much space as you need).
two responses: "already estimated above"
low : 7 days (Univ Wisc)
high : 240 days (BNA)
mean : 85.6 days
median : 10 days
* __5__ Library of Congress Subject Headings
one response: "already estimated above"
low : 5 days (Marcive, Inc.)
high : 50 days (LC CDS)
mean : 22.5 days
median : 17.5 days
* __1__ LC's Children's Subject Headings
low : 5 days (Marcive)
high : 10 days (OCLC)
mean/median: 7.5 days
* __0__ Art and Architecture Thesaurus
* (if you check this, do not check any other choices)
* classification format.
* print out as errors or exceptions.
* required. (That is, changes to tag table, printouts,
* etc.)
* above would also be required. Please estimate the number
* of working days or, if less than one day, the number of
* hours expressed as a fraction.
* print out as errors or exceptions.
* required. (That is, changes to tag table, printouts,
* etc.)
* above would also be required. Please estimate the number
* of working days or, if less than one day, the number of
* hours expressed as a fraction.
*programming changes to any software programs which create output
*files of USMARC records? For example, perhaps you have a program
*to write out serial records for inclusion in a regional list. Or,
*perhaps you are a vendor which processes GPO records in order to
*prepare them for loading into another system.
low : 1 day (Cornell)
high : 100 days (LC CDS)
mean : 26.3 days
median: 12 days
note: LC Cataloging Distribution Service
is in the business of outputting records and has a variety
of available products, resulting in a high estimate here.
*By retrospective conversion, I am referring to a special project to
*identify form subdivisions in subfield $x of subject headings in
*existing files and then move them to subfield $v of the same
*subject heading. Such a conversion may need to be performed on all
*several lists, such as:
* - a list of approved form subdivisions for each subject
* - a list of dual-function subdivisions if applicable for a
*specific thesaurus. (See the two LCSH examples above with "Maps"
*functioning in one heading as a form subdivision and in another
*heading as a topical subdivision.)
* (1) In 600-651 fields, look for occurrence of terms which
*match those present on the list of approved form subdivisions for
*the specific thesaurus. If found, continue to next step.
* (2) Check the term against the list of dual-function form
*subdivisions if available for the specific thesaurus. If there is
*a match, print out the information for human review and editing.
*Otherwise, continue to next step.
* (3) Check to see if the term is the last subfield in the
*field. If this is the case, change the subfield delimiter from $x
*to $v. If this is not the case, print out the information.
*algorithm listed above? We are particularly interested in finding
*automatic methods to convert dual-function terms, in order to
*reduce or even eliminate the need for human review and editing of
*these terms. Take as much space as you need if you have any
*helpful ideas.
GEAC CANADA LMTD : "The algorithm looks sound for a first pass but
this will result in a large list of headings which will require
human review. It would be best if the authority record suppliers
were to do the conversion and make those records available..."
*17. Do you think it is helpful or necessary for all or most
*databases to convert at the same time? Is this important, perhaps
*from the perspective of database maintenance, where catalogers move
*records from a utility to a local system?
* Please check only one response here.
HARVARD : "Of course it's best if all or most databases convert at
the same time, but is it practical? You need to consider the likely
administrative priority changing some $x's to $v's will get in large
systems, particularly for LCSH where significant manual review would
be required...."
*18. Do you think that all conversions (across systems and
*databases) should be done using the same computer algorithms? Not
*only would standardization be helpful to catalogers potentially,
*but the systems analysis work would be done once on a national
*level, saving your organization some time perhaps. Please answer
*implementation" to occur without undertaking retrospective
*conversion of existing databases and files, or would this cause
*problems forcing retrospective conversion?
* There are three possible responses below. If you check off
*the last response, please also specify any or all thesauri for
*which this would be true. We want to know if there are differences
*between thesauri.
* Explanatory comments are very welcome if retrospective
*conversion would be required.
* without retrospective conversion of existing databases
* and files. This statement is true for all thesauri
* present in our installation(s).
* retrospective conversion even under the rubric of a
* minimum implementation. (If you check this response,
* please answer for each specific thesaurus.)
JES LIBRARY AUTOMATION : "It is not practical for us to ignore the
retrospective conversion problems. The conversion program would
require approximately 10 days to write and test. We also would
supervise the conversion for our clients, which would require
additional time."
There was no question given on the amount of time needed to do
a conversion. We feel that to do a conversion for just one thesaurus
could take up to 2 years. Conversion for other thesauri probably
could not be done simultaneously, so that amount of time to do all
appropriate conversions could take even longer....."
*NOTE: Some systems might want to take advantage of the definition
*of subfield $v to implement improvements to their software. We
*would like to know if it is likely that your organization will
*improve its software through explicit use of subfield $v.
*headings on an index or headings screen, especially when a large
*number of headings is retrieved?
* _3_ Not seen as an improvement.
*order to allow for greater precision in searching? For instance,
*form subdivisions could be assigned their own unique search
*code in your software.
[multiple reasons given by same six organizations]
* _3_ Not seen as an improvement.
* _2_ Too much work.
* _3_ Other development priorities.
* _0_ Other. Please supply reason:
*22. Is it likely that you would change your software to provide
*machine validation of form subdivisions from a list of valid forms
*for a specific thesaurus (if it exists)?
*based upon the definition of the $v subfield? Please take as much
*space as you need to explain.
"As part of release 7.0 we are making a number of changes to the
ADVANCE system which will greatly enhance the handling of subdivisions. This
work is not based upon the implementation of the $v, however, the implementation
would further ehnhance the usefulness of these changes."
*24. If the subfield $v is defined in the USMARC formats, how much
*lead time would your organization like to have, so that you can
*more easily fold its implementation into your development schedule?
low : 0 months (MARC of Quality)
high : 24 months (LC and OCLC both)
mean : 8.3 months
median : 6 months
note: LC and WLN require that Format Integration
work be completed first.
* OR
*them here. Take as much space as you need.
genre/form data. The $v proposal will only make searching existing 6xx
fields more complex when online catalog users want it to be easier.