American Library Association
Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
ALA Midwinter Conference January 1998
January 10, 1998
Present: Sarah Bryan, Patrick Callahan, Shirley Coleman, Kevin Furniss, Liz Icenhower, James Maccaferri, Ray Schwartz, guests
Absent: Arlene Taylor, Walter Cybulski, Lydia Wasylenko
I. Preliminaries
Minutes from 1997 Annual Meeting were approved. Agenda for meetings at Midwinter Conference was approved.
II. General Business
New Charges
Patrick Callahan stated that Briefing Papers are to be turned into web tutorials, once authors are contacted, that their papers can go straight to tutorial. Patrick Callahan and Ray Schwartz suggested that authors be teamed with web designers (if r equired), and that a template for the tutorials be designed. Patrick Callahan will contact the Web Steering Committee of ALA.
Journal Monitoring
Sarah Bryan felt that the journals list be pared down. Gene Fieg suggested that the list be divided into refereed/non-refereed journals. However, Patrick Callahan stated that the journal monitoring is to note trends in the literature, not to judge quality. Ray Schwartz noted that ideas for briefing paper authors can come from the journal monitoring
1) tutorials -- templates Sarah Bryan to bring in examples, Ray Schwartz to assist.
2) monitoring -- Institute on Metadata Liz Icenhower to attend for CFFC
Briefing Papers
Ray Schwartz to contact Arlene Taylor regarding clarification of Karen Muller's letter on the change from papers to web tutorials
Shirley Coleman -- no movement on Paper no. 12. She will contact Dale Swensen if/when a newsletter or web document is to be published, and see if we can add briefing paper.
Ray Schwartz -- still pursuing an author for Paper no. 13.
Meeting times for summer
It was recommended to keep the same times as Midwinter:
11:30am - 12:30pm Sat
12:30pm - 1:30pm Sun
January 11, 1998
Both Arlene Taylor and Karen Muller were contacted. Web tutorials are definitely to replace briefing papers.
Liz Icenhower -- LITA/ALCTS planning committee, Metadata Institute May 5-6, Georgetown University. Clifford Lynch and others to present. Metadata in the local digital context. Planning committee to meet June 12.
Ray Schwartz -- Joint CCDA/Marbi working group on Metadata. They will have 4 meetings over a two year period. The chair is held by Sherry Kelley. Discussed with heads of cataloging departments how to communicate metadata standards to their units.
Sarah Bryan -- Journal monitoring for topics for briefing papers. Over the past six months the following topics were noted: metadata; URL checks; search result ranking; multilingual digital libraries; intemediary databases; user interfaces. Sarah g ave out copies of her bibliography.
Patrick Callahan -- In journal monitoring the following topics were noted: "push" technology; SDI; smart cards.
Ray Schwartz -- noted topics were resource description framework, and W3C (html standards)
Sarah Bryan talked about the journals that were discussed at the summer 97 ALA meeting, and stated that although people were having difficulty finding appropriate articles the journal monitoring initiative should be continued. Sarah also recommended ad ding the Journal of Internet Cataloging to the monitoring list.
Authors for briefing papers/web tutorials
An audience member suggested that a preview of briefing paper issues be posted on the WWW. Topic suggestions included International Authority Control, with Barbara Tillett as suggested author, and Metadata. Some members thought that with the change -over to web tutorials it was too early to discuss topics, but we should still keep trying to find potential authors. We need to find out what our new deadlines are.
Jim Macaferri to be issue editor for the topic of multilingual catalogs.
Kevin Furniss to be issue editor for the topic of online catalogs and users with disabilities.
Shirley Coleman asked to be issue editor for a web tutorial on form/genre headings, but we need more information from Arlene Taylor
New Business
Sarah Bryan gave out journal assignments.
Everyone liked the new briefing paper guidelines