Online Catalogs in the Literature
American Library Association
Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
Catalog Form and Function Committee
Online Catalogs in the Literature
Topics identified from literature for prior ALA meetings:
This is a random list of subjects which occur in the bibliography.
Committee members and interns may have additions to this list.
June 1998:
- Cataloged Internet Resources - design and development for access to
Keyword Searching in a University Online Catalog
- Delivering arts and humanities data in electronic environments -
issues involved in creating, managing such a system
- Cataloging - lack of a multiple version solution
- Search Term Selection - models
- Non-standardized display formats - standardization
- Automated summarization techniques -application to cataloging or metadata for
Internet documents and documents in other databases
- Relevancy ranking of search results
- Improving user interfaces
- Adding intermediary databases to assist users in selecting
appropriate search terms
- Subject gateways - development and structuring of
Toolkits for building digital libraries on the World Wide Web
- Annotated, subject-specific link sites
- SGML and the USMARXC Standard
- Summary holdings statements being made obsolete by ILS
possibility for item details
- Metadata, metadata, metadata!
- Dublin Core
- Digital object identifiers (Patrick supplied a list of useful URLs for
understanding digital object identifiers. Though I did not include in
the bibliography, they are available for the committee's examination)
- Integrating metadata from Web resources into our library catalogs
and provide our users with "one-stop" shopping
- Performance in a Hypertext Bibliographic Retrieval System
June 1997:
- Automated cutter assignment
- Automation software for developing countries
- Best Search Engines
- Best IOLS
- Best Meta-search tools
- Cross mapping subject heading systems
- Foreign language character sets
- Fourth Dublin Core Workshop
- Future of Z39.50
- "Homebrew" OPAC creation
- Image/video database search tools
- Multilinguality
- New opportunities for resource discovery in networked environments
- Importance of providing access to traditional library resources by enriching bibliographic records for
older library materials
- P.A.C.E. (an interface simulating books on library shelves)
- Protecting digital library catalog information and users
- Relational database design
- Spelling errors in searches and designing software that anticipates them
- Sound databases which search for music when the searcher sings notes into a microform
- "Windows NT" operating system environment for OPACs
January 1997:
- Subject searching trees
- Personal-name access
- Linking Full-Text Databases to the library catalog
- Electronic security and property rights management
- Subject management solutions in a virtual library catalog
- Personal name management solutions in a virtual library catalog
- New guiding cataloging principles
- Bringing the “universe of bibliographical information” directly to the library end-user
- Providing virtual access to multimedia resources
- Good ol' authority control
- Smart interfaces to guide end-users to utilize indexes most efficiently
- Guidelines for the display of catalog information
- Metadata
July 1996:
- Embedding Metadata in HTML
- Approaches to organizing Internet Resources
- Multiple non-Roman scripts in an online catalog
- Digital Library Projects
- Student use of online catalogs
- Access to abstract resources
- Constructing and linking of images and records with hypertext markers
- Cataloger's role in catalog construction
- Effectiveness of graphical user interface in online catalogs
- New designs for subject access to online catalogs
- SGML applications for local journal article databases
- Exchange of bibliographical data, document ordering, and publishing on the WWW
- One stop shopping workstations
- ADA compliance and online catalogs
- Authority files in online catalogs
- Reexamination of principles, i.e., cataloging codes, main entry, etc.
- Z39.50 protocol
January 1996:
- Hot-linked Tables of Contents
- Hot-linked 856 fields
- Online catalog user self-sufficiency
- Impact of automation on the library user
- Impact of electronic catalogs on design and space utilization
- Electronic reserves
- Supercatalogs
- Copyright ownership in the online environment
- Incorporating full-text into the online catalog
- Teaching online bibliographic skills
- User satisfaction and the online catalog
- Microcomputer workstations
- A national infrastructure and networks
- Effectiveness of keyword searching
- Retrieval tools ("meta" tools)
- Inter-institutional consortia
- Web OPACs
- TULIP Project
- Telecommuting
- Expert system applications for cataloging
- Outsourcing Cataloging (OCLC's TechPro)
- Indexing the Internet
- Automatic classification of material
June 1995:
- MARC 856 tag
- OCLC cataloging Internet resources project
- Cataloging resources on Web Home Pages
- Digitization of catalog records
- Expert systems and the online catalog
- Searching effectiveness / Strategies on the online catalog
February 1995:
- Multilingual searching capability
- Expert systems
- Internet interfaces
- Images / Multimedia
- Systems of arranging other than alphabetical (i.e., document ranking, subset ranking, adaptive
- Graphical user interface