Web Tutorial Report

Sarah Bryan to CFFC Committee

Summer 1998

Created 6/1/98

I was assigned to bring back to the committee at the annual meeting several examples of web tutorials as well as idea(s) of what the committee might supply to the author as a template to work with.

The following sites came from committee members, Autocat, Collib-L listserv postings, and exploring:

Here are some links to sites about metadata (not necessarily web tutorials as there was some confusion on the part of committee members, including myself, as to what we were looking for, since it was proposed that the first topic for the tutorial format would be metadata):




OCLC Institutes are running a series of seminars entitled "Understanding and Using Metadata":
For web tutorials that have to do with library topics, see:
*ACRL/CNI Internet Education Project* (A Collib-l posting identifies this site's purpose as being to identify exemplary user education and training materials supporting the use of the Internet and other networked information resources.)

It was the above mentioned ACRL/CNI Internet Education Project site at which I found one example of a clear, simple web tutorial format that may lend itself to our briefing tutorials. It is entitled "Get ready: the basics of information technology for incoming students :


Though it is simply a tool at a college to teach incoming students how to use the library, I was impressed by some aspects of the tutorial's format: primarily clarity of format, and a minimal amount of information on each page. Honestly, I know very little about metadata. For that reason, I thought I might be able to identify web tutorials which catch my eye and give me not too much information at one time, but rather just enough so I can learn something as easily as possible. I noticed that many of the pages about metadata were wordy and involved. I think it would continue the original mission of the briefing papers, which I interpret as being to provide simplified, concise information to busy librarians, if we use as models the layout of some of the web tutorials that have been created by librarians to introduce students to the library for the first time.
On the same note, I would like to recommend the format of the following tutorial, called the UNBC Library Skills Workbook:
This ends my report.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah J. Bryan