Here we are walking to the ship in eager anticipation of the reunion. Pictured are Carole, Lauren, Elizabeth Byrnes Kiger, Gary Kiger, and Deborah Byrnes. No, we didn't walk from the airport. Yes, we did walk from the Wild Ginger, an excellent Seattle restaurant that earned an impressive 27 on Zagat's 30-point scale for food quality. | |
Now, what would you expect to find when you got to the ship? A big line, of course. You can't see it, but there were actually several lines that went rather quickly. The bottleneck was the security check, where they used a hand scanner on everyone, including the small children. | |
It certainly was grand to see the Great White Mother again! Click the photo for a larger version (1024 x 768) | |
The first order of business was to check in to our room. This configuration of beds is what I call "just friends." And we encountered two women who were unhappy they were assigned a small room with a double bed! | |
The second order of business was to attend the reception. There were more folks there than would sail, so we took advantage of seeing them all! | |
Here is our Assistant Dean Kristin Hageman posing with Brigitta Alkofer. Kristin (or "Quiztin" as we have come to know her) was not sailing, so we had to snag some pictures while the snagging was good! | |
The staff had a happy reunion! From left to right: Julie Murray, Eric Ozretich, Heidi Zeich, Monica Ingold, Brigitta, Kristin, Andy Sykes, and Tera Porterfield. Click for a larger version. | |
Harry Sylvester wasted no time becoming reacquainted with selected passengers! Here's Monica, Brigitta, Harry, and Martha Franklin, a librarian on a previous voyage. | |
The youngest senior passengers I know of are Kevin and Christine Shields. Here they are with their new baby! | |
The good old dinner line looked a little different with the wall of classroom 6 folded up. Have a peek! | |
Dave and Louise Stonington enjoyed dinner, and we enjoyed seeing them. It was disappointing that Dave didn't brief us on the health issues in Canada. | |
For some reason it took me (and at least one other) a moment to recognize Dave Timko. Perhaps it was the lack of certain professional video gear in front of his chest. Perhaps it was his suit. Or his company...No, wait--It was the GOATEE! Gone! | |
The Fifers, a couple very devoted to SAS and numerous "adoptees," were happy to be on the ship again. | |
Many people wanted to see how Sopahn had grown in the last 1.5 years! She had lots of cuddles for everyone. Marvel Harrison and Terry Kellogg are certainly enjoying the reunion. | |
From left to right are Nick Maldinato (Spring 99), Julie Kiefer, Lise Lager (Fall 2000?), Miranda Hanson, D'one Brende, Heidi Zeich, and Autumn Hulke. | |
Next on the agenda was dancing. Brigitta, Tera, Laura, and Monica were good company out on the floor! | |
In Victoria, we had a Dim Sum lunch, and Gary tried to explain the virtues of chicken feet. He's trying to mimick the foot with his left hand. | |
When shopping, we ran into Heidi, Brigitta, Ranetta (Hardin), Eric, Julie, Monica, and Jessica Wagoner. | |
At 3:30, we had high tea at the Empress Hotel. From left to right are Carole, Gary Kiger, me, Lauren, Deborah Byrnes, and Elizabeth Byrnes Kiger. | |
Back on the ship we watched Ron Babcock's excellent video. After the video, we posed. Click the photo for a larger version. | |
All too early the next morning, we began to leave. I taped Gilberto giving some words of advice to future voyagers. Miranda Hanson has some advice for Gilberto: "Watch for stalkers!" | |
As we got ready to depart, we caught sight of Karen Burns, not related to Deborah Byrnes! | |
My advice to SAS? Make the next reunion longer! This was far too short. It seemed like we just got there and we needed to leave. How about another 100 days? I think we could sign up Tera, Julie, and Laura! |
Photos copyright 2001, Dennis F. Galletta