SAS Fall 1999 Faculty E-mail Addresses

Here are two lists:

  1. For group messages: The first you can drag and copy (one or a few at a time, or the entire list), then paste into an e-mail TO box (assuming the comma is legal in your package).
  2. For individual messages using your non-browser e-mail package (such as Outlook, Eudora, Netscape Mail, etc.) The second you can simply use for one person; just click on a given person's name and your e-mail package will begin.
Or click here to return to my SAS web site.

List 1: For group messages or Web-based e-mail (drag, copy, drop into the "to" field).

"James Barry" <>,
"Roy Berko" <>,
"Florence Boodakian" <>,
"Lady Borton" <>,
"Steven Breese" <>
"Robert Brown" <>,
"Robert Brown" <>,
"Larry Butler" <>,
"Deborah Byrnes" <>,
"Aubrey Drewry" <>,
"Judy Duchesne-Peckham" <>,
"Dick Farkas" <>,
"Linda Forcey" <>,
"Pete Forcey" <>,
"Dennis Galletta" <>,
"Ed Glatfelter" <>,
"Lori Barker-Hackett" <>,
"Jack Harris" <>,
"Theodore Kariotis" <>,
"Rebecca Kasper" <>,
"Gary Kiger" <>,
"Hsiang-Te Kung" <>,
"Michelle LeBaron" <>,
"Gordon MacLeod" <>,
"Phil Smith" <>,
"Susan Smith" <>,
"Patricia Symonds" <>,
"Dorothea Thorne" <>,
"Mel Thorne" <>,
"Frank von Hippel" <>

List 2: For individual messages using an E-mail package on your computer.

Or click here to return to my SAS web site.