Welcome to my
home page. It will tell you a little about who I am, what classes I teach and
what research I am currently conducting.
I'm a Professor of Psychology at the
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, transplanted from the Akron, Ohio area.
I earned my Ph.D. in Applied Cognitive Aging from the University of Akron.
My main area of interest in psychology
is Cognitive Processing, which includes abilities like memory, creativity,
intelligence and learning, but also include some social interests in things
like religion and inter-relational behavior.
* The UPJ computer system has me listed under Walstad (my married
name) also so you might want to try that if you are having trouble finding me
in the University system.
These are the classes I am teaching
this semester: Fall Semester, 2024 Lifespan Development Intro to Psychology Research Methods Lab Advanced Seminar (False Memory) Research Links |
Some Interesting Articles Moving to a World Beyond p < 0.05.
et al., (2019) Effects Of
Bilateral Eye Movements On Gist Based False Recognition In The DRM Paradigm. Parker, A.&
& Dagnall, N. (2007) Calibration
Trumps Confidence As A Basis For Witness Credibility. Tenney, E.R. et al. (2007) Adults Are
Useless At Detecting Children's Lies. Stromwall, L.A. et al.
(2007) Is The
Benefit Of Exercise A Placebo Effect? Crum, A.J. & Langer, E.J. (2007) The Most
Dangerous Equation. Wainer (2007) Revisiting the Stanford Prison Experiment: Could Participant
Self-Selection Have Led to the Cruelty? The Reality
of Recovered Memories: Corroborating Continuous and Discontinuous Memories of
Childhood Sexual Abuse. Geraerts et al (2007). Interpersonal
Disgust, Ideological Orientations, and Dehumanization as Predictors of
Intergroup Attitudes. Hodson &
Costello (2007). How Good Are
You In Math? The Effect Of Gender Stereotypes On Students Recollection Of
Their School Marks. Chatard et al (2007) Understanding Current Causes of Womens
Underrepresentation in Science. Ceci & Williams (2010). Gendered Occupational Interests: Prenatal Androgen Effects on
Psychological Orientation to Things Versus People Beltz et al (2011) Can Psychology Become a Science? Lilienfeld (2010). Voodoo
Correlations Are Everywhere--Not
Only in Neuroscience Fiedler (2011). Learning Styles: Concepts and
Evidence Pashler et
al (2009) Preferences For Gender Typed Toys In
Boys And Girls Aged 9 To 32 Months. Todd,
B. K. et al. (2016) Sex Differences in Non-Human Primate
Behavioral Development. Lonsdorf
(2017) Dispelling the Myth: Training in
Education or Neuroscience Decreases but Does Not Eliminate Beliefs in
Neuromyths. Macdonald
et al (2017). Equality for (Almost) All:
Egalitarian Advocacy Predicts Lower Endorsement of Sexism and Racism, but Not
Ageism. Martin & North (2021). Send email to: bertsch@pitt.edu;
or bertschs@protonmail.com