Spring 1997
Instructor: Betsy Matz
Office: 235 Swarts Hall
Office Hours: Posted outside office
Telephone: 362-7639

Prerequisite: ACCT 0201 

TEXT: Management Accounting by Atkinson et. al. 2nd 	Edition

COURSE:	Managerial Accounting is intended to continue the study of accounting, 
shifting the focus from external reporting to internal reporting.  It provides 
exposure to topics such as cost definition, behavior, and accounting; breakeven
 analysis and budgeting.

GRADING POLICY:         1. Attendance.  No credit will be given for
 		      	  class attendance.  However, students are
 			  strongly encouraged to attend all classes.

			2. Homework.  Homework will be collected
 			   randomly.  Full credit will be given for
                           any legitimate attempt.  No homework
 			   will be accepted late.

			3. Exams.  There will be a total of three
 			   exams:  two in-class, and one final.  Students
                           may take a makeup exam if the absence is cleared
                           with the instructor prior to the exam. The 
			   instructor reserves the right to change the
                           format and/or content of makeup exams.
                        4. Class participation may improve your final 
                           grade if you end up on the borderline.

			5. Computer work.  There will be three 
			   computer assignments.  These will be designed
                           to integrate the concepts and procedures 
                           presented in class and Lotus 1-2-3.  The due
                           dates are shown on the schedule.
			6. Budgeting.  There will be one comprehensive
                           budgeting problem that will be due the last day
                           of class.
                        7. There will be three writing assignments.
  		           These assignments will be designed to both improve 
                           the student's writing abilities and understanding of
                           the accounting material.  Due dates will be 
                           indicated on the assignments.


Attendance		      0
Homework and computer work   75
In-class exams	            200
Final Exam                  100
Writing assignments          75
Budgeting Problem            50

TOTAL			    500

A = 465-500
A-= 450-464
B+= 435-449
B = 415-434
B-= 400-414
C+= 385-399
C = 365-384
C-= 350-364
D = 300-349
F = Below 300