Spring 1997
Instructor: Betsy Matz
Office: 235 Swarts Hall
Office Hours: Posted by my office, other times by accident or appointment
Telephone: 362-7639

Prerequisite: ACCT 0201 and ACCT 0202

TEXT:	COST ACCOUNTING by Barfield, Raiborn and Kinney
		2nd Edition		

COURSE:	Cost accounting provides an in-depth study of accounting in the 
manufacturing environment.  The three elements of cost will be examined in both
a job order and process costing firms, with particular emphasis placed on
modern manufacturing environments.

GRADING POLICY: 1.	Attendance.  No credit will be given for
 			class attendance.  However, students are
 		        strongly encouraged to attend all classes.
		2.	Homework.  Homework problems will be
 	                collected randomly.  Full credit will be
                        given for any legitimate attempt.  No homework
                        will be accepted late.
		3.	There will be two in class exams and a
 		        final examination. Students who must, for
                        legitimate reasons, miss one of the exams may
                        make it up. However, the make-up exam may be
                        different in format and content than the
                        missed exam.
		4.	Class participation may improve your
 	                final grade for those on the borderline.
		5.	Outside readings will be assigned and will be 
			included on the examinations.  
		6.	There will be three computer problems
 			assigned.  These will be due one week after
 			they are assigned.  These problems will be
 		        completed using a spreadsheet package.
		7.	There will be three writing assignments.
  			These writing assignments are designed to
 			improve the student's writing ability and to
 			enhance the student's mastery of the
 		        accounting material presented.
		8.	All students are required to obtain an e-mail
 			account.  There will be opportunities to earn
 			additional points through e-mail communications.
                        In addition students may communicate with the
                        instructor using e-mail.


Attendance		       0			
Homework and computer        125
Writing assignments	      75
Hourly Exams (100 each)	     200
Final Examination	     100
Total			     500

A  =  465 - 500
A- =  450 - 464
B+ =  435 - 449
B  =  415 - 434
B- =  400 - 414
C+ =  385 - 399
C  =  365 - 384
C- =  350 - 364
D  =  300 - 349
F  =  below 300

All homework and exams are to be done in pencil.  Your homework will not be 
graded on neatness, but if I can't read it, you don't get credit.