Slippery Rock University

In the Fall 2006 semester, the Brazil Nuts Dance Group performed a few of their dances at Slippery Rock University, and the Grupo de MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) also sang some of their songs! Click on the link and see photos of those who were there!

University of Pittsburgh - Greensburg

In February of the Spring semester of 2007, the Brazil Nuts Dance Group went to the University of Pittsburgh's campus in Greensburg and performed six of their dances. Pittsburgh at Greensburg had a festival to celebrate Brazilian Carnival and Mardi Gras, and they loved the dances we performed for them!

Brazilian Festival

On April 13, 2007, Brazil Nuts held its Sixth Annual Brazilian Festival! In the William Pitt Union, students from the University and people from the community came together to celebrate "Brazil and Its Amigos" in a fun-filled festival with dance performances, singing performances, poetry readings and food! If you couldn't come, don't worry--see all the fun here!

If you have any photos from any Brazil Nuts events, please send copies to

Last Updated: December 17, 2007