Instructor: Bruce L. Venarde
Teaching Fellows: Annamarie Apple and Niklas Frykman DESCRIPTION AND GOALS History 0100 is an introduction to the study of history in the form of a rapid survey of the origins and development of Western societies and institutions from the ancient Near East through the seventeenth century. The primary goals of History 0100 are 1) to familiarize you with basic chronology, geography, and themes of early Western cultures and 2) to introduce you to critical analysis of written and visual materials from the past (“primary sources”). The first of these aims will be attained through textbook reading and in lectures. The second will be accomplished largely in section meetings. Lectures will cover many topics, but there will be emphasis on the organization of power, religion, and women’s experience. The lectures are by necessity brief overviews, so completing the assigned reading and attending sections matters a great deal to what you will learn in this course. Readings, lectures, and section meetings are designed to work in tandem. Since examinations derive in large part from lectures and sections, regular attendance at all class meetings is vital. Despite its low number, History 0100 presents the challenge of keeping up week by week. Without consistent attendance in lectures and sections and careful, steady reading of the textbook, this course quickly turns into a nightmare of indigestible and incomprehensible details that will leave you floundering. If you have enrolled in the hopes of an effortless way to fulfill a General Education requirement, I urge you to reconsider. This is not an easy course; it requires no less effort than an introductory course in a non-Western language or physical science. The attached “survival guide” explains in more detail what to expect and how to succeed.
REQUIREMENTS AND GRADE WEIGHTING • Attendance and participation in sections (approximately 20%) • In-class examination, Thursday, September 30th (approximately 20%) • In-class examination, Tuesday, November 2nd (approximately 25%) • Final examination, Wednesday, December 15th (approximately 35%) PROCEDURES AND POLICIES 1. Attendance and participation in section will be reflected in your final grade; motivated efforts are generously rewarded. Come to recitation ready to recap the themes of the week’s lectures and textbook assignment and to discuss the primary sources.
BOOKS (available at the Book Center) Thomas F.X. Noble et al., Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, 4th ed., volume 1 SCHEDULE OF READINGS AND EXAMS Part I: The Heritage of the West
Week of August 30th: Beginnings, to ca. 1100 BC Week of September 6th: Cities and Empires in the Ancient World, ca. 2500-ca.500 BC Week of September 13th: Archaic and Classical Greece Week of September 20th: From Greece to Rome (via Pakistan), ca. 400-133 BC Week of September 27th: Rome from Republic to Empire, 133 BC-14 AD *FIRST MIDTERM EXAM IN CLASS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH* Part II: The Christian WestWeek of October 4th: The End of Antiquity, 14 AD-ca. 500 AD Week of October 11th: Three Early Medieval Societies, ca. 500-ca. 900 Week of October 18th: The Birth of Europe, ca. 900-ca.1300 Week of October 25th: Politics, Popes, and Plague, ca. 1150-ca. 1350 **SECOND MIDTERM EXAM IN CLASS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND** Note: There will be no class meeting on Thursday, November 4th Part III: New West, New WorldsWeek of November 8th: Old and New, ca. 1350-ca.1550 Week of November 15th: Modernity? New Horizons at Home and Abroad, ca. 1400-ca. 1550 Week of November 22nd: Religion and Rulership in the Sixteenth Century Week of November 29th: Not Quite Modern Yet: War and Mentalities, ca. 1555-ca. 1700 Week of December 6th: The Foundations of the Modern West in the Seventeenth Century ***FINAL EXAM, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15TH, noon-1:50pm*** |