Interior Painting

Master Brendan spent almost every weekend for a year working on these paintings. You can also see a larger version of the image, or a video of it in various stages of production.
The Labors of the Months. A Baronial banner looks good over the musicians' gallery, but it has been replaced by personal banners since we stepped down.
Diapering continues over the fireplace, and our motto begins to take shape.
Mistress Kris creates text.

The winged heart is very much a medieval symbol of love. So, just forget about it, all you Aerosmith fans.
The motto in toto.

What? You want me to tell you what it means? That's what the internet is for.

Oh, all right.
In Latin: Ego dilecto meo et dilectus meus mihi.
In Hebrew: Ani l'dodi v'dodi li.
In English: I am for my beloved, and my beloved is for me. (Don't even get me started on how poorly English captures the dative case....)
Oaken bits.


Updated Sept 2, 2013.