Regional Archery Practice
Apr 13, 2008

The complete set of photos is available on Flickr. These are our favorites.

An archer in every embrasure. Which is just how it SHOULD be.
The Baronial Youth Archery Champion defends his home, backed up by Deryk the Archer. I love the way their arms line up in this shot.
Shooting up the driveway for the Gwyntarian Winter Archery Competition.
The Baronial Thrown Weapons Champion tries his hand at another long-distance form.
Joshua defends his home from atop the highest tower.
The Baroness strikes fear into the hearts of invaders.
The proud father.

Fintan looks on as Brianna shoots.
Joshua and Ian vie for targets.
An Ian's-eye view of the targets.
Urho, the new Regional Archery Marshall, succumbs to a hail of water balloons from the parapets.


Updated Apr 13, 2008.