Mailing address: Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Office: 421 Thackeray Hall
Office Hours, Spring Semester 2025: Fridays 2-3
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh.
My research interests are in number theory. Each of my research projects has applied tools from representation theory and algebraic geometry. I especially like to think about moduli spaces and deformation theory of p-adically varying objects of interest in number theory, such as Galois representations and modular forms.
I am also very interested in promoting undergraduate research and inquiry in mathematics. Students should take a look at my webpage about resources and opportunities for students.
At Pitt I am part of the Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry group and attend the group's seminar. I am also a co-organizer of the Pittsburgh Number Theory Day.
My research is supported by the Simons Foundation (award 846912) and the NSF (grant DMS-2401384).