Health Information Menus
The following is a list of some of my favorite college links to health
information topics pertinent to the health of college students. Most
of the links list health information alphabetically by topic. Most of
this information is not copyrighted and can be copied and used as health
information handouts for students. Remember that when you print a page
from Netscape, the URL or web site address is printed across the top of
the page, thus citing the source of the information on the page.

Duke University's
Healthy Devil
Mississippi State
Montana State
University of Arizona
(select Health & Wellness)
University of California at Los Angeles
of Colorado/Boulder
University of Illinois/Urbana Champaign
University of Georgia
University of
University of Wisconsin/Stevens Point
The following is an interactive health question and answer service:
Columbia University's
Ask Alice!"

What is your favorite web site for health information?
me know the web address of your favorite health information
links, and what you have found practical or valuable about a particular
site. I would like to print comments and input from readers in future
issue of Connections Quarterly. Here is an opportunity to share
your insights on web resources. E-mail input and comments to Editor Carol
Mulvihill at

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