Abstinence Links and Resources for College Health

Integrating Abstinence into a Smart Sex Program


Carol Mulvihill, R.N.,C., B.S.N.
Director of Health Services
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Bradford, PA 16701
E-mail: cjm6+@pitt.edu

Using the MTV Smart Sex video, followed by discussion group format, students examine all options for safer decision-making regarding sexual activity. Abstinence, secondary virginity, holding out, and condom use are covered in the video and in the discussion session. The following resources were developed for use with the video and are available on the website listed above:

At the 1995 American College Health Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, Carol Mulvihill, RN,C (Director of Health Services) and Lydia P. Smith (then Graduate Assistant/Health Educator) presented the program, "Abstinence Education on the College Campus: Nurses and Students Working Together."


http://www.umr.edu:80/~afl/ University of Missouri/Rolla

This World Wide Web homepage was developed by students at University of Missouri, Rolla.

"All For Love (AFL) is a student group sponsored by UMR Health Services that provides a forum for discussing abstinence issues. AFL is dedicated to getting out the message that "not everyone is doing it.

Your choice for abstinence is based on your personal values. For some, abstinence means making decisions regarding intimacy that completely eliminate risk. For others, it means a commitment to cultural, philosophical, or theological values."

--Excerpt from All For Love

Abstinence--Are you Ready for Sex? and 101 Ways to Please Your Lover Without 'Doing It'


Healthy Devil Online
Duke University

Healthy Devil Online is the text, graphic, and question and answer service sponsored by Duke Student Health Education of Duke University.

"According to a 1993 survey of Duke Students, 40% (Females: 49%; Males: 38%) have not had sexual intercourse. So not everyone is 'doing it' at Duke. Not everyone is ready or willing to have sex."

-- Excerpt from Healthy Devil Online,
"Abstinence--Are You Ready for Sex,"
Duke University, Copyright 1994

"Abstinence More Prevalent Than Bruins May Think"


DailyBruin, SEXTALK column, Nov. 2, 1995.
University of California at Los Angeles

"'My guess is that maybe 20 percent of all people on this campus are not having sex,' guessed Todd, 18, an Undeclared first year student. 'Twenty-five percent tops.'

If that's what you think, think again. A recent survey conducted this spring (1995) revealed the surprising news that as many as 40 percent of all UCLA undergraduates have never engaged in vaginal intercourse. Among students age 21 and under, the numbers are closer to 50 percent. And it's not just the undergrads who are refraining from sex. As many as 14 percent of all graduate students haven't had intercourse either."

--Excerpt from the article



The University of Alberta has a Health Information web page with a link to Abstinence.

"What is abstinence? In terms of health and prevention of disease, abstinence means refraining from sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal and oral intercourse."

--Excerpt from U. of Alberta


University of North Carolina/Wilmington
Student Health & Wellness Center
601 S. College Rd.
Wilmingon, NC 28403

Their program "Intimacy Without Intercourse" was presented as a poster session at the ACHA annual meeting in Atlanta in 1994. They received highly favorable responses and numerous requests for materials. Years ago, they did away with their Condom Week celebration and replaced it with LovWELL (their wellness program was LivWELL). "While condoms certainly are discussed during LovWELL, the point is made that expressions of love/intimacy include many behaviors which do not require condoms to make them 'safer'."--Quote from program presentor.

Brochures about Abstinence

ETR Associates
P.O. Box 1830
Santa Cruz, Ca 95061-1830

ETR Associates feature a large variety of color brochures about abstinence, HIV and STD's. Call the toll-free number for a free catalog.

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