If you have had unprotected sex in the past,
- You can decide now that you will always use a condom every time
you have sex.
- You can make a decision for secondary virginity, and focus on
intimacy without intercourse.
If you are involved in a monogamous relationship, but you or your partner
have had previous sex partners,
- You can decide to have HIV testing done, and make a decision for
- monogamy without the use of a condom. (still risky)
- monogamy with the use of a condom. (lower risk)
- You can make a decision for secondary virginity, and develop
intimacy without intercourse by practicing the 101 Ways to Make
Love Without Doing It.
If you have decided to use condoms for protection,
- You can talk with your partner about your decision.
- You can increase contraceptive protection with the use of
- You can talk with your friends and roommates about your decision
and your reasons for your decision.
- You can resolve to use condoms correctly and every time you have
sex....no exceptions!
- You can decide to not have sex while under the influence of alcohol
which can interfere with the correct and consistent use of a condom.
If you have always relied on your partner to take the lead as far as sex is
- You can decide now to be in control of your own decisions and
- You can make your own decision now and talk with your partner
about it.
If you have made a decision for abstinence,
- You can practice the 101 Ways to Make Love Without Doing It
create some news ways as well.
- You can talk with friends or roommates about your decision.
- You can focus on close friendships and have fun without the worry.
- You can acknowledge that abstinence is a smart choice from the
standpoint of safety and give it credibility among your peers.
If you care about others in the campus
- Be well informed with correct information (about sex & choices)
from a variety of resources.
- Respect everyone's right to make his/her own personal
decision, safe or unsafe.
- Initiate open dialogue and discussion among friends
and roommates of all the choices and risks of sexual
decision-making; it may encourage others to consider safer
decisions about sex.
- Give credit to others for making safe/r decisions, even when
their choices may be different from your own.
- Treat others with dignity, sensitivity, and respect, especially
when there are differences of opinion or when the issue is
- Influence others by your own smart choices and positive role
modeling. Actions do speak louder than words.
Written by Carol J. Mulvihill, R.N.,C., Director of Student Health
Services, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford,
Bradford, PA 16701. Latest
revision: March 1995.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce these non-copyrighted materials
for non-commercial use provided the author/s and source are credited.
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