Keep Colds & Flu
Away From You!
...and Others, too!
Wash your hands frequently, preferably with an antibacterial soap.
- ...between classes, before eating, after handling body secretions, and
always before you rub your eyes or touch your face.
Cough or sneeze ONLY into your sleeve, at the bend of your elbow.
- It's simple: Place your left hand on your right
shoulder. Then sneeze into your sleeve.
- Nurses and doctors are
taught this technique.
Carry disposable paper tissues with you to wipe or blow your nose.
- Put a couple of paper facial tissues in your pocket or
purse every day. Replace them daily.
- This
should become a regular health habit,
like brushing your teeth.
Dispose of used paper tissues in an appropriate receptacle.
- If you place a used paper tissue in your pocket, remember
to throw it into a trash container as soon as
possible. Don't keep germs in your pocket!
- Forget to wash your hands frequently.
- Touch your face.
- Place objects such as pens and pencils in your mouth.
- Bite your fingers or fingernails.
- Wipe your nose with your hand or fingers.
- Cough or sneeze into your hand or into the air.
- Hand washing is the single most important means of preventing
spread of infection.
More illnesses are transmitted by germs that get on hands than by airborne
- Respiratory viruses in the environment....on desks, computers,
tables....get on your hands first, and then get into your body when you
touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- If you cough or sneeze into your hand, the objects you touch
will be contaminated and can transmit your germs to others.
- If you fail to block your cough, germs are released into the air,
and can
settle on a variety of surfaces. Remember that some germs can survive on
common objects for several days!
Written by Carol Mulvihill, RN-C, Director of Health
University of Pittsburgh/Bradford, 1999.
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