Submitted by: Claire Schmieler, Director of Health Services, McLachlan Student Health Center, Slippery Rock University, PA.

Your Rights as a Consumer at the McLachlan Student Health Center

As a client in the McLachlan Student Health Center you are entitled to certain rights as a student and consumer of health care. The following is a list of your rights.

  1. Clients will be treated with dignity, respect, courtesy and privacy. Health care is given regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, lifestyle, or illness.

  2. Clients will be greeted by name and receive an explanation of Health Center routines, policies,and facilities where appropriate.

  3. All health care professionals will wear proper identification including name and title.

  4. Care will be provided by health care professionals who are qualified through education,experience and training, to carry out care plans for which they are responsible. This can include the use of appropriate personnel within and outside of the Health Center and community resources, and notification of appropriate providers of changes in your condition.

  5. Clients will receive necessary health care education and /or counseling that they will understand and be informed of the plan for their care, including an explanation of procedures, medications, and treatments ordered.

  6. Client disclosures and records are treated confidentially, and , except when required by law, clients are given the opportunity to approve or refuse their release.

  7. Clients are provided, to the degree known, complete information concerning their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a client, the information is provided to a person designated by the clie nt or to a legally authorized person.

  8. Clients can refuse any treatment that is not understood or not wanted.

  9. Clients have an opportunity to discuss with the health care provider their needs(physical, emotional or spiritual) and to participate, along with their family, in their individual health care plan and any questions or problems about their medical care.

  10. Clients are informed of their right to change health care providers.

  11. Advertising regarding competence and capabilities of Health Center staff is not misleading to clients.

  12. Information is available to clients and staff concerning:
  13. You can expect the health care professional to be your advocate.

  14. Clients can expect the RN to be responsible for informing the Student Health Center doctor or other health care provider of changes in their condition.

  15. Clients will receive basic nursing care including concern for personal hygiene and safety , nutrition, activity, rest and comfort according to their needs.

Your Responsibilities as a Consumer at the McLachlan Student Health Center

  1. Provide your health care provider full information about your illness or health problem to allow proper evaluation and treatment.

  2. Ask sufficient questions to ensure an understanding of your illness or health problem.

  3. Follow your provider's recommendations for continuing care including medication and follow up evaluations.

  4. Show courtesy and respect to health care personnel and to other clients.

  5. Never lend your personal identification to others for use to obtain health care.

  6. If you are unable to keep an appointment; cancel or reschedule as far in advance as possible, so that the time may be given to someone else.

  7. Never give medication prescribed for you to others.

  8. Communicate with your health care provider if your condition worsens or does not follow the expected course.

  9. Never give false information to your health care provider.

  10. Only seek services during periods you have paid the Student Health Center fee.
Taken from: Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, and the American College Health Association

Date of Last Revision: May 21, 1996

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