Submitted by: Kim M. Nolte, MPH, CHES, Head of Health Education,Tulane University Student Health Center, 504-865-5255 ext. 237, FAX: 504-865-5083


  1. The right to humane care and treatment. You will be treated with respect, consideration and dignity. You can expect that your personal convictions and beliefs will be taken into account when you seek help.

  2. The right to accurate information, to the extent known, concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of an illness or health-related condition.

  3. This includes the right to accurate written information about drug products or drug treatment for an illness. It will include appropriate alternatives to Student Health Center care. You or your legal representative will have access to the information contained in your medical record.

  4. No care can be provided to you without your consent.

  5. The right to participate in decisions which are made regarding your health care and treatment, including ethical concerns.

  6. The right to be informed of any research aspect of your care and to refuse to participate. Such refusal will not jeopardize your access to medical care and treatment.

  7. The right to a second opinion regarding diagnosis or treatment. This includes seeking consultation with other providers. (However, consultation outside the Student Health Center is the financial responsibility of the patient).

  8. The right to know who is counseling, caring for, or treating you. The practitioner's name and professional qualifications should be visible or stated on introduction.

  9. The right to information regarding the scope and availability of services.

  10. The right to information regarding fees for service; particularly notification as to what services may involve additional charges.

  11. The right to confidentiality of your records. Your medical records will be kept in a secure environment and can only be released with your written consent except when release is required by law.

  12. The right to accept medical care or to refuse treatment and to be informed of the medical consequences of that refusal.

  13. The right to complain about the quality of medical care and have a fair review of that complaint without fear of compromise of future services.


The Student Health Center staff cares for the well-being of all Tulane students. We believe that to be effective the effort must be a partnership with the patient and the health care team working together.

You will be expected, within the limits of your abilities, to share in the responsibility for your health care.

  1. You have the responsibility to keep appointments or to telephone the Student Health Center when you cannot keep a scheduled appointment.

  2. You have the responsibility to provide information about past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health to the best of your ability.

  3. You have the responsibility to cooperate with all Student Health Center personnel caring for you, and to ask questions if you do not understand any information given you.

  4. You have the responsibility to be respectful of others, of other people's property, and that of the Student Health Center.

  5. You have the responsibility to abide by Student Health Center rules and regulations.

  6. You have the responsibility to act in consideration of the health of others.

Go to next statement of Patient Rights and Responsibilities.

Go to the menu of selections in the Winter 1996 issue of CQ.