
I am a full professor and department chair of the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems (DINS) and the Intelligent Systems Program (ISP), School of Computing and Information (SCI) , the University of Pittsburgh. I am the director of a research lab called Information Retrieval, Integration and Synthesis. I currently serve as the associate editor of “Aslib Journal of Information Management”, and on the editorial board of SCI/SSCI indexed journals “Information Processing and Management”.




Research Interests

Research Goals and Methodology

The goal of my research aims to advance people’s capabilities of accessing online information with the support of various cutting-edge intelligent and social information technologies. This goal fits nicely to the current data and information exploration environment, where there is too much data for people to process and consume, therefore, people need information technologies to assist them.

At the same time, I believe that the role that intelligent technologies can play is not to replace humans but rather to assist and augment humans in the access process. The relationship between humans and the technologies is a synergistic one where humans and machines work together to resolve the needs of the humans. Therefore, I am interested in making technology as enabler rather replacer, and it is people who initiate the needs of access, provide meaningful context, and utmost measures of success or failure of the technologies.

My research interests also root in the fact that I am in an information science school, where interdisciplinary and collaborative research is natural and has the greatest impact. I have built research teams and projects that involve faculty and students from different disciplines and various universities/institutions, but my goal of the research is always consistent.

Research Themes

My research can be summarized into two major themes. The first one is called intelligent information processing, which combines artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning with human information access. Within this theme, I mainly worked on two research topics:

The second research theme is scholar data management, which combines information science and management. On this theme, my research work has been mainly on

Major Research Projects


I view teaching as a communication of knowledge and ideas between the teacher and students. A successful teaching session needs careful thinking, imaginative designing, clear presentation, and frequent evaluation and updating.

Graduate Courses


I have published more than 200 articles in internationally-recognized journals and conferences in these areas, which include information science journals and conferences such as Journal of Association for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, ACM Transaction on Information Systems, Journal of Information Science, ACM SIGIR, CIKM, WWW, and CSCW, and medical informatics journals and conferences such as Journal of Medical Internet Research (Aging, and Cancer), Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research, Innovation in Applied Nursing Informatics, Innovaton in Aging, IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics.

The full list of my publications can be access via my profiles at the following online sites:

Contact Information

Daqing He, Ph.D.
Room 614, Information Science Building
135 North Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412) 624 9317 Fax: (412) 648 7001
Email: dah44 AT pitt DOT edu