[photo]David Tipper

Associate Professor and Director
Graduate Telecommunications and Networking Program
University of Pittsburgh
135 N. Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412) 624-9421    Fax: (412) 624-2788
Email: dtipper@pitt.edu

Research and Publications  

Spring 2012 Schedule:

Office Hours: Monday  1:30 – 3:30 PM or by appointment

            Courses:  Telecom 2110 Network Design :  Tuesday  3-6 PM

                            Telcom 2825 Infrastructure Protection:  Thursday  3-6 PM

                            Telcom 2011 Telecommunications Seminar,   Friday  Noon-3


Biographical Sketch

David Tipper is an Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate Telecommunications and Networking Program at the University of Pittsburgh.   He has a secondary appointment in the Electrical Engineering Department.  At Pitt, Dr. Tipper regularly teaches courses on communication systems, wireless networks, network performance modeling and analysis, network design and infrastructure protection. In addition to his duties at Pitt, he is a member of the research advisory board for the Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems (Q2S) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology  in Trondheim Norway  and  from 1998 to 2007  he was an Adjunct Professor II in the Department of Informatics at Molde University College in Molde, Norway.

Prior to joining Pitt in the Fall of 1994, he was a faculty member in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Clemson University (Assistant Professor  1987-1993,  tenured Associate Professor 1993 - 1994).    At Clemson, he taught courses on signal processing, control theory, and network performance modeling and received the NCR  Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award,  as well as an Outstanding Honors Professor citation. While at  Clemson he also served as the   Associate Director of the Center for Computer Communication Systems being responsible for external relations for the research center and organizing an annual conference. During the Summer of 1993, he was a member of technical staff in the Networking Technology Center at The Mitre Corporation in Reston, VA.  At  MITRE,  his work focused on protocol evaluation for packet radio networks. Between 1980 and 1982 he  was employed as a   System Engineer on NASA's space shuttle mission simulator by Singer-Link in Houston, TX.

Professor Tipper is a graduate of the University of Arizona (Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 1988, M.S. Systems Engineering 1984) and Virginia Tech (B.S. Electrical Engineering 1980). His research interests include network design, virtual network design, methods for improving network survivability, the development of efficient algorithms for nonstationary/transient queueing analysis, and the design and analysis of network controls (e.g. routing, admission control, scheduling, etc.) His research has been supported by grants from various government and corporate sources such as the National Science Foundation, ARO, IBM, DARPA and MCI. He is a member of INFORMS, Sigma Xi, and a Senior member of IEEE.

Professional activities include serving as the co-guest editor of  two special issues of the Journal of Network and Systems Management one on  Fault Management in Communication Networks which appeared in June, 1997 and one on Designing and Managing Optical  Networks and Service Reliability, which appeared March, 2005.  He has served on the technical program committee for several major conferences such as,  IEEE INFOCOM (seven times most recently in 2003),  ACM/IEEE MWSIM ,  IEEE Globecom,  etcetera.  Currently he is on the following conference committees IEEE ISCC 2009, NGI 2009 and 21st International Teletraffic Congress, . He was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Network and Systems Management from  2000 to 2005. He was the technical program chair of the Design of Reliable Communication Networks 2003 Workshop  held in Banff, Canada in October,  2003. Currently he is a member of the steering committee for future DRCNs and General Chair of DRCN 2009. He is the co-author of the textbook The Physical Layer of Communication Systems, which was published by Artech House in March, 2006. Also, he is the co-editor and a contributor to Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems which was published in 2008.

Recent University of Pittsburgh service activities include serving on the University Research Council (1/2000 - 5/2004), Faculty Assembly and Senate Council (97-99), as well as the University Community Relations Committee (96-98). Also he has been a member of several faculty search committees.

Current and Past Ph.D. Students