EPID 2670

History of Injury Epidemiology

EPI 2670


Lecture Slides(Elluminate format)


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  Thomas Songer,PhD


Lecture Description:

  This lecture is designed to overview the factors influencing injury research over the last century. Emphasis is placed on the role of injury research in reducing motor vehicle fatalities and injuries. The lecture will highlight the practice of government and industry in downplaying safety concerns at the beginning of the century and their change in emphasis in the 1960s.

  On completion of the lecture, readers will be able to:

  • Recognize the core themes influencing the history of injury research
  • Describe the biomechanics which underlie how injury occurs
  • Recognize the shift in emphasis from human behavior to vehicular design
  • Illustrate Haddon's ten principles of limiting energy transfer
  • Recognize the difference between active and passive forms of intervention

This lecture was last modified on 14 May 2009

For further information about the course, please contact Thomas Songer at tjs@pitt.edu

Thomas Songer, PhD
Dept. of Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA