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Senate ad hoc

Committee for the Support and Advancement of Women at Pitt

January 8, 2005 Minutes


1.  Introductions.


2.  Minutes of the November 22, 2004 meeting were approved and will be posted on the committee website.


3.  Announcements


4.  Report from the Mentoring Committee.  Chairs are Heidi Feldman and Ellen Olshansky.  Other members are Sherry Brown, Consuella Lewis, Ann Ostroski and Amy Wagner.



5.  A brief report was made about other sub-Committee activities.

·         The Sexual Harrassment Committee [Randi Koeske, Lorie Osho, and Irene Frieze] are continuing to work on the web-based training for sexual harassment, as well as other activities.

·         Lisa Parker has volunteered to work on developing a new policy for consensual relations between faculty and students.  She would like others to work with her.

·         Patti Beeson reported on a committee looking into developing a fund for the support of women and women’s projects.   Kathryn Flannery (Women’s Studies Program), Irene Frieze and Kathie Wisner will work with her on this.


6.  Plans for future meetings?  After some discussion we decided that we should have a meeting of the whole committee in early March.   The subcommittees will be meeting before this.  


Committee Liaisons and Advisors



Submitted by Josephine Olson [with the assistance of Irene Frieze]