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Committee for the Support and Advancement of Women at Pitt

October 1, 2004 Minutes


1.  Introductions.


2.  Announcements and background 


3.  Proposed committee focus for 2004-2005:   Work on a limited number of specific projects and begin the process of applying to become a permanent Senate Committee.


A.  Ideas for Committee Projects for 2004-2005


  1. Faculty Responsibilities for Reports of Sexual Harassment.  Review of consensual sex policies. A major focus will be a review of how faculty and others learn about policies and how they should respond to complaints.   We will also examine the existing policies to see if we should make any recommendations for changes.   Randi Koeske, Lorie Osho, and Irene Frieze will work on this.


  1. Mentoring for Faculty and Professional Staff.  Becoming a mentor.  Heidi Feldman and Ellen Olshansky will work on this, along with Sherry Brown, Consuella Lewis, Ann Ostroski, and Amy Wagner.


  1. Developing a fund for the support of women and women’s projects.   Irene Frieze, Patti Beeson (Provost’s Office) and Kathryn Flannery (Women’s Studies Program) and Kathie Wisner will work on this.


B.  Becoming a Senate Committee

  1. Committee Governance [and long term planning].  Develop a mission statement for the new Committee.  Lisa Brush


  1. Check with existing committees for potential overlap in mission and planned activities.  Irene Frieze and Josephine Olson.


4.  Plans for future meetings?  After some discussion we decided that we should have a meeting of the whole committee about once a month.   The subcommittees will meet between these meetings.   Subcommittee meetings will be open and advertised to the whole mailing list.


Committee Liaisons and Advisors



Submitted by Irene Frieze