Psychology 1130:  Special Topics in Psychology of Gender

Women, Violence and Victimization  (CRN:18512)

Spring 2006


Instructor:  Dr. Irene Hanson Frieze.

            Department of Psychology.  3329 Sennott Square.  412-624-4336

            e-mail:  Expect a reply within 24 hours.


Course Meets:  249 Cathedral.  Wednesdays from 6 to 8:30pm.


Description:  Survey of research on interpersonal violence, with a focus on aggression within close relationships.  Topics include attitudes about violence, general victim reactions to violence, and causes of aggression.  These will be examined within the context of martial and dating violence, child and other family abuse, rape, child sexual abuse, and sexual harassment.  Students will be expected to do observations related to the class at an agency addressing violence, or some other location where violence or sexual harassment occurs.


Course Objectives:

      Understand current social science research on interpersonal aggression and violence.  Be aware of how researchers define violence and some of the major research findings.

      Be aware of community services for victims of interpersonal violence and of services for others affected by relationship violence.


Prerequisites:  Research methods and at least 3 previous courses in psychology and/or sociology.  Knowledge of basic statistics and research methods is assumed.


Cross-listing:  This course is cross listed with Women�s Studies and is one of the courses that can be used for a Women�s Studies Certificate.


Required Texts:

Hines, D. A., & Malley-Morrison, K.  (2005).  Family violence in the United States:  Defining, understanding and combating abuse.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.  [HM]


And other assigned readings announced in class.


Optional Text:

Frieze, I. H.  (2005).   Hurting the one you love:  Violence in relationships.  Belmont, CA:  Thompson Wadsworth.   [F]


Course Requirements:  [based on 1000 total points]

      Exams.  There will be a midterm and a final exam.  Each is worth up to 300 points for a total of 600.  Exams will include essay questions and multiple choice questions.  Sample exams from a previous class will be available on CourseWeb.  Makeup or late exams will be all essays and are generally considered harder than the regular exams.  A late final exam will result in an automatic G grade, since it will be impossible to submit the grade in time.


      Brief Observation Reports.  Three brief reports, discussing personal observations related to the class.   Each is worth up to 100 points, for a total of 300 points.   See final page of the syllabus for more information.


      Class Participation and Attendance.  Up to 100 points.  Class discussion is especially important for this course.  Regular attendance is expected.  This grade is based on how many classes are actually attended and by the level of participation in each class.  Signing the class attendance sheets to document attendance is the student�s responsibility.


Assigning Grades.

975-1000=A+             875-899=B+                775-799=C+               600-699=D

926-974=A                  826-874=B                  726-724=C                  Below 600=F

900-925=A-                800-825=B-                700-725=C-               


Tentative Class Schedule.

January 4.  Introduction.  Violence and aggression in everyday life.  Violence in the family.  Defining physical and psychological aggression. 


January 11 - 18.  Causes of aggression.  Learning to be violent.  Biological factors in aggression.


January 25.  Reactions to victimization and other stressors. 


February 1.   First observation report due.


February 1 - 8.  Sexual harassment and workplace aggression.  Sexual harassment of children in schools.





February 8 � 22.  Child abuse.  Other forms of family violence.  Effects of adult partner violence on children. 


February 22.  Second observation report due.


March 1.  First Exam.  


March 15 - 29.  Domestic partner violence and dating couple violence. 


March 29 � April 12.  Rape, martial and date rape, and forced sex. 


April 12.  Third observation report due


April 12 - 19.  Incest and child sex abuse.


Final Exam.  Wednesday, April 26.




Requirements for Observation Reports


Grading for the three observation reports is based on primarily on accuracy and completeness in discussing course material.  Grades also relate to correctly following the assignment, completeness of the analysis done, and clarity of the presentation.  Each report is worth up to 100 points.


Where observations can be done:



General requirements for all observation reports:


First Observation.   Motivations or explanations for violent or aggressive behavior.  [This can involve direct observations or an interview with a victim of violence.   Make it clear where your data come from].  Due February 1.


Second Observation.   Reactions of the victim or the survivor of aggression or violence.  Due February 22.


Third Observation.  Anything relevant to the class.  Due April 12.






Extra Credit Possibilities


1.  Preparing multiple choice questions for either of the exams.   Up to 5 questions can be submitted up to one week before each exam, based on assigned or optional readings.  These must be substantially different than any of the questions on the sample exams.  Questions should have 5 possible answers, with the correct answer clearly identified.   The pages of the book that support the correct answer should be included for each question.   Each question submitted is worth up to 4 points.   Questions should be submitted electronically and will be made available for other students to use in studying for the exams.


2.  Presentation about a social agency working with victims of violence or with aggressors to the class.   This must be scheduled in advance and is worth up to 50 points.  The presentation should be about 20 minutes long, and should include transparencies or a laptop presentation.