Which of the following is the correct term that fits the following definition? A cultural change that occurs when a person is in direct contact with a different cultural group.
a. cross-cultural
b. collectivestic culture
c. acculturation
d. idiocentrism
e. etic approach
Answer: c
From: Textbook, p. 129
Which of the following pairs of terms are defined as "within culture" and "cross culture" respectively?
a. emic and etic
b. empathy and ethnicity
c. etic and emic
d. bias and confound
e. race and norms
Answer: a
From: Textbook, p. 139
Ben Eisenhower
The discipline of scientific psychology that emphasizes careful measurements (rather than the manipulation of variables) is known as
a. experimental psychology
b. correlational psychology
c. academic psychology
d. clinical psychology
e. none of the above
Answer: b
From: Textbook, p. 29
Sarah Pinto
It has been found that there is a higher rate of divorce among women who have attended college compared to women who have not attended college. What does this represent?
a. a cause and effect relationship
b. a correlation
c. psychometrics
d. a theory
e. a paradigm
Answer: b
From: Textbook, p. 11
A question on a personality test that is asked more than once but appears in different forms aids the test in…
a. validity
b. the Barnum effect
c. confirmation bias
d. reliability
e. falsifiability
Answer: d
From: Textbook, p. 13
Karla Geci
The truth of any statement depends on
a. the opinion of the actual observer.
b. how many people agree with it.
c. whether or not a systematic investigation and verification of observations
has been done by independent observers.
d. whether or not the most well known psychologists agree with it.
e. the intelligence of the person who stated it.
Answer: c
From: Textbook, p. 2
Nicole Annarella
What type of bias in our implicit personality theories and personality descriptions might cause us to describe someone on terms of their personality and not take their situation into account?
a. halo effect
b. perceived similarity
c. observer bias
d. stereotypes
e. empirical research
Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 9/10
Content analysis of things people say or write
a. can be used to understand one individual
b. indicates implicit personality theories of the write/speaker
c. can make use of coding particular words and parts of speech
d. can make use of coding complex sets of behavior or feelings
e. All of the above
Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 9/10
Stephanie Johnson
People agree with results of personality tests that they have taken, even if the results are vague and general statements. This is called
a. psychometrics
b. paradigm
c. Barnum effect
d. correlation coefficient
e. academic psychology
Answer: c
From: Textbook, p. 15
James Levri
The consistency of a test as assessed by computing two scores, each from half of the items, to see whether they are highly correlated refers to
a. concurrent validity
b. test-retest reliability
c. construct validity
d. split half reliability
e. None of the above
Answer: d
From: Textbook, p. 14
Which one of the following is NOT an example of behavior of the Big
Five Personality Dimensions?
a. Aggressiveness
b. Agreeableness
c. Neuroticism
d. Conscientiousness
e. Openness
Answer: a
From: Textbook, p. 53
The personality test developed to measure the Big Five factors of personality
a. Role Construct Repertory test
b. NEO Personality Inventory
c. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
d. Content analysis
e. None of the above
Answer: b
From: Textbook, p. 89
Krista Bailey
Which of these is NOT included in the Big Five Dimensions of personality, as suggested by lexical studies?
a. Conscientiousness
b. Reclusiveness
c. Emotional Stability
d. Agreeableness
e. Extraversion
Answer: b
From: Textbook, p. 48 (Table 2.1)
Sanjeev Padmanabhan
Which of the following approaches is NOT paired with the correlation research measure?
a. lexical approach—word usage in everyday language
b. realism approach—physical realities
c. nomothetic approach—comparisons between individuals
d. constructivism approach—physical truths
e. phenomenological approach—subjective experiences
Answer: d
From: Textbook, pp. 38, 58, 62-64
Which of the following statements about reliability and validity is/are
a. A validity test measures what it is supposed to measure. A reliability
test is dependable and not highly subject to random variation.
b. A validity test is dependable and not subject to random variation.
A reliability test measures what it is supposed to measure.
c. Good tests need to be valid but not necessarily reliable.
d. Choices a and b are both correct.
e. Choices b and c are both correct.
Answer: a
From: Textbook, p. 13
Erin Tully
A questionnaire is distributed during a lesson to children in grade
school measuring for child abuse and its effect on the ways abused children
interact with their peers. If the test-giver goes back to the school and
tests the children during recess, and again at the end of the day, the
test-giver is assuring
a. validity.
b. reliability.
c. perceived similarity
d. confirmation bias
e. correlation
Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 9/3 and Textbook, p. 13
A woman gets lost while in New York City, she pulls over and looks for someone from whom she can get directions. The first person to walk by is dressed in ripped and dirty clothes, tattoos and piercing all over his body. If the woman ignores this person because she thinks he is a criminal, she is displaying the term known as
a. Halo Effect
b. False Validity
c. Trait approach
d. Factor analysis
e. stereotype
Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 9/8 and Textbook, p. 51
Elisa Grochowski
Researchers that look for physical relationships that correspond to aspects of personality are called
a. constructivists.
b. humanists.
c. theorists.
d. realists.
e. psychoanalysts.
Answer: d
From: Textbook, p. 62
Tamika Leftwich
What is the approach that studies personality description beginning with the way people use words to describe people in everyday language?
a. stereotype accuracy
b. idiographic
c. lexical
d. constructivism
e. act frequency
Answer: c
From: Textbook, p. 72
Paula Gamble
An approach that makes comparisons among individuals, as in test scores on the same personality test is the
a. nomothectic approach
b. lexical approach
c. idiographic approach
d. act frequency approach
e. stereotypical approach
Answer: a
From: Textbook, p. 57
Kimberly Carroll
If we get a correlation of -.86, we would say that the two things being
tested have
a. a high positive correlation.
b. a high negative correlation.
c. a low positive correlation.
d. a low negative correlation.
e. no correlation at all.
Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 9/10
When Jane met Kelley, she was excited to find a new friend who was so much like her. Later, Jane found out that she and Kelley didn't have as much in common as she had initially expected. The implicit personality bias demonstrated here is
a. the halo effect
b. observer bias
c. stereotyping
d. percieved similarity
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Sean ran an experiment where he put a group of subjects into a room with a group of "models". He wanted to see if the subjects would adjust their behavior to fit that of the models. Sean tested for
a. emotions.
b. afression.
c. comformity.
d. empathy.
e. intellectual ability.
Answer: c
From: Textbook, p. 121
Tina King