Multiple choice study questions for second exam—Set 3


Jennifer Wilhelm

Which one of the following is NOT a technique used in emotion-focused coping?
a. seeking social support to vent feelings
b. exercising caution
c. self-blame
d. escapism
e. All of the above

Answer: b
From: Text, p. 272


Kimberly Carroll

John was unable to complete the puzzle that he had been working on. The following day, John continued to build the incomplete puzzle. This is an example of
a. fear of success
b. external locus of control
c. Zeigarnik effect
d. controllability
e. None of the above

Answer: c
From: Text, p. 242

Which occupation(s) would a person who portrays high power motivation be most likely to have?
a. a teacher
b. a psychotherapist
c. a business executive
d. a journalist
e. All of the above

Answer: e
From: Text, p. 257

If an infant is denied oral satisfaction, he/she may experience later oral symptoms such as overeating, smoking, or dependency on others. The terms that best describe this is
a. sublimation
b. expectancy
c. pseudomemories
d. fixation
e. None of the above

Answer: d
From: Text, p. 192


Kristen Keller

Which of these characteristics is NOT associated with achievement motivation?
a. those high in this motive prefer challenges
b. those high in this motive often show the Zeigarnik effect
c. tend to attribute success to ability and effort
d. people high in this motive tend to own prestige possession
e. fear of success is related to this motives

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/13


Karla Geci

Charlie had a rough week and he has a big exam Monday morning, but a bunch of the guys are going out to the bar Sunday night and Charlie just can’t miss a social outing. So he goes along. What is Charlie representing?
a. power motivation
b. affiliation motivation
c. intimacy motivation
d. Zeigarnik effect
e. achievement motivation

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 10/15

Mary’s roommates are watching TV in the living room while she is studying in the kitchen. Mary can overhear the TV and it is distracting her, so she puts her earplugs in. How is Mary adapting?
a. acceptance
b. redefining what is happening to her
c. changes herself
d. changes her environment
e. pretending

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes on Stress…


Kelly loves to gossip. If you tell her something she will be on the phone the next chance she gets to tell everyone. She feels gossiping will help her be accepted by others. What type of motivation does this describe?
a. achievement
b. affiliation
c. power
d. intimacy
e. None of the above

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 10/15

The Cooks live in a million dollar home. They have 5 cars, all are expensive and flashy. Mrs. Cook is always dressed to perfection and wears expensive jewelry. They are always bragging about their children and how well they are doing. What type of motivation does this describe?
a. achievement
b. affiliation
c. power
d. intimacy
e. None of the above

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 10/15

Ann is very competitive and sees herself the best at everything she does. She is also very impatient and hostile. What type of personality type does Ann have?
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

Answer: a
From: Lecture notes on Stress and Coping.


Jamie Churilla

Which of the following two presidents are noted as being high in achievement motivation?
a. Reagan and Bush
b. Kennedy and Johnson
c. Clinton and Gore
d. Washington and Lincoln
e. Carter and Nixon

Answer: e
From: Lecture, 10/15

The choice of coping depends on
a. personality.
b. type of stress.
c. availability of social support.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

Answer: d
From: Lecture, 10/22


Kelly McVerry

Knowing you have ____________ will help you go through a stressful situation more positively.
a. social self
b. stressed power syndrome
c. identity achieved
d. social support
e. primary appraisal

Answer: d
From: Lecture, 10/22


Kathryn Mazzaferro

Betty is always feeling ill. She often fears she is dying of cancer or some other fatal illness. Betty feels real pains, and truly believes she is ill. Betty goes to the doctor, but he cannot find anything wrong with her. To make Betty feel better though, the doctor prescribes a placebo to her. Betty most likely suffers from
a. the trait of hardiness
b. psychosomatic illness
c. repression
d. hypochondriacal disorder
e. on over active ego

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/22

When Maya was young she sucked her thumb for many years. Although she broke the habit years ago, when Maya feels sad or tired, she finds herself resisting the urge to put her thumb into her mouth. Maya also recently started smoking, and when she can’t smoke she snacks or chews gum. Freudian psychologists would say that Maya
a. suffers from penis envy
b. has an oral fixation
c. never fully revolved the Electra conflict
d. has fear of success
e. uses avoidance responses to deal with stress

Answer: b
From: lecture notes, 10/6


Jennifer Coffman

Freud believed there were five stages of development. if a 3-5 year-old boy is afraid his father will harm him because the boy focuses his sexual interest in his mother, he is in the stage?
a. latency
b. oral
c. anal
d. phallic
e. genital

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/6

My boss is impatient when things go wrong, works late after the other employees are gone, acts aggressively when his ideas are questioned, and sees himself as more important than his co-workers. His personality can be described as
a. generalized optimism
b. Type B personality
c. hypochondriacal
d. hardiness
e. Type A personality

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 10/22

What combination of achievement and power motivation would describe a person like Bill Gates who is successful and lets people know of his accomplishments?
a. low on both power and achievement
b. high in achievement/low in power
c. high in both achievement and power
d. moderate in both power and achievement
e. high in power/low in achievement

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 10/15


Jaclyn Pritts

Which of the following is NOT an example of a defense mechanism?
a. After my mother died, my father still set her place for dinner every evening.
b. When questioned by a friend, the woman who was brutally raped last month answered that she was doing fine and that the entire incident had slipped her mind.
c. I realized that I was angry with my brother, so I sat down to talk about the issue.
d. After the new baby was brought home, his four-year old brother threw temper tantrums and wrote all over the walls with crayons; acts he had not committed since age two.
e. All of the above are examples

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 10/6


Jamie Manser

Which of the following are Freudian stages of development?
a. achievement, affiliation, power motivation
b. repression, denial, projection. isolation and regression
c. coping, problem-focused, emotion-focused and social support
d. oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
e. None of the above

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/6

___________ are used by the ego to avoid the anxiety that would result if unconscious conflicts were recognized consciously.

a. pseudomemories
b. Zeigarnik effect
c. defense mechanisms
d. general adaptation syndrome
e. None of the above

Answer: c
From: Text, p. 225


Jason Spector

Rachel enjoys a challenge, something that puts her skills to the test but she hates it when she has to boss people around or delegating responsibilities. her motivation can be described as
a. high nAch and high nAffil
b. high nAffil but low n Power
c. low nAch but high nPower
d. high nAch but low nPower
e. high nAch and high nPower

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/15


Catherine Matesa

Joe’s father always wanted to play football growing up but failed at the sports. He now believes that Joe is interested in playing football and books to his friends of how Joe is so dedicated to the sport when he really does not like football. Joe’s father is using which defense mechanism?
a. denial
b. projection
c. repression
d. isolation
e. regression

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 10/6 and Text, p. 209

Scientists use projective tests to measure motivational theory. They often use which of the following tests which requires the respondent to make up a story based on a picture?
a. Subliminal perception
b. Biographical interview test
c. Rorschach Inkblot test
d. TAT
e. None of the above

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/13 and Text, p. 231

Emily likes a challenge, she has a desire to perform well and is hard working, persisting until her goal is achieved. She started her own business, but as the business grew and required organization, Emily lost control over the business. Emily is
a. high in achievement motivation
b. low in achievement motivation
c. high in power motivation
d. low in power motivation
e. both a and d

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 10/13


Richard Engleka

My little sister always wants to breast feed or suck on her bottle. Which stage of development is she going through?
a. oral
b. phallic
c. anal
d. introversion
e. extroversion

Answer: a
From: Text, p. 192

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Type A personality?
a. impatient
b. work hard and long
c. see themselves as smarter
d. hostile and competitive
e. patient and relaxed

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes on Stress and Coping

My friend Kyle always complains of being sick. Yet, nothing is physically wrong with him. last week he thought he had liver problems, yesterday—heart problems, and today he thinks he has ulcer. Kyle has what type of disorder?
a. psychosomatic
b. hypochondriacal
c. denial
d. empirical
e. high power motivation

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes on Stress and Coping


Cynthia Gouryeb

Which of the following things can cause stress in a person’s life?
a. traumatic events
b. discrimination
c. illness/injury
d. unpleasant physical conditions
e. All of the above

Answer: e
From: lecture notes, 10/20


Eric Smith

Defense mechanisms are used by the __________ to avoid the anxiety that would result if unconscious conflicts were recognized consciously. They are assessed by projective tests and by questionnaires.
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. reaction formation
e. object relations

Answer: b
From: Text, pp. 208-209

Joe, the captain of the football team breaks his leg. He appraises the situation as having caused harm and also as threatening additional losses, such as not being able to play in the upcoming game. According to the Lazarus model, Joe is making a ___________.
a. primary appraisal
b. secondary appraisal
c. reappraisal
d. only a and b
e. a, b and c

Answer: a
From: Text, p. 269

Intimacy motivation, which is proposed as an alternative way of thinking about the motive to have relationships, is closely associated with those people who
a. reach out to others and are interested in and learn about social information
b. have the desire to have influence over others or to have a reputation.
c. remember incomplete tasks.
d. engage in nonverbal behaviors indicating warmth.
e. prefer challenges with intermediate difficulty.

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 10/15