Frits K. Pil, Ph.D

Professor and

Research Scientist



I am Professor of Business Administration at the Katz Graduate School of Business and a Research Scientist at the Learning Research Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh.  I have published extensively on high-performance/ high-involvement work systems, and on the dynamics of organizational innovation, organizational learning, and organizational change.  I have worked with all major car manufacturers around the world, as well as various public sector organizations to examine where knowledge originates, where it resides, and how it is transferred and leveraged within and across organizational boundaries.  


I have several recent articles and a book that examine the challenges to attaining superior system-wide performance in the global auto industry.  Recent research also includes work on the links between different forms of capital across levels of analysis, the role of product architecture and its relationship to innovation, and innovative ways of thinking about value creation.  My current work with school districts examines how these ideas can be used to develop novel policy and school initiatives to enhance student performance. 


Key Funding: The Sloan Foundation; The International Motor Vehicle Program; The National Science Foundation. 

Visiting Professorships: Cambridge University, Judge Business School; Oxford University, Said Business School.


Best Book Award, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, USA.

Best Paper Award, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, USA.

International Fellow, Advanced Institute of Management, Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC), UK.

Outstanding Young Scholar Award, Industrial Relations Research Association (LERA).

Excellence in Teaching awards, Katz Graduate School of Business. -- 2003/2004, 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011

Education: Ph.D. in Corporate Strategy and Human Resources from the Wharton Business School;  MA in Applied Economics from the Wharton Business School;  BA in Economics from Harvard. 



Key Resources:



Academy of Management Journal; Cross-level analysis social capital and human capital and School Performance

Human Relations: Teams and Stress

Academy of Management Review:  Modularity, imitation, and innovation

Journal of Operations Management:  Coordination of Supply Chains

California Management Review: Novel Approaches to Outsourcing

Academy of Management Review:  Corruption

Sloan Management Review Value grid
Organization ScienceSocial and human capital

Sloan Management Review: Small Scale

Interfaces:  Product variety

Production and Operations Management: Environmental and organizational performance – Paper 1 and Paper 2

Sloan Management Review: Build - to -order

Human Relations: Employee Voice

Journal of World Business: Japanese transplants

Industrial Relations: Adoption of high-involvement work practices


Book links:

MIT Press

 --- Korean language edition

 --- Mandarin language edition

--- Japanese language edition


Contact me!

Fritspil (delete space)

256 Mervis Hall

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

t. 412 648 1612

f. 412 648 1693