Due to the nature of the educational rehabilitation efforts in Somalia, several of the following sections overlap.
Non-Formal Education
B. Nomadic Education (PDF format--49K)
Peace Education
A. PEER's education for peace centres (PDF format--23K)
Regional Profiles
A. Bakool Region (PDF format--2K)
B. Banadir (N. Mogadishu) Region
i) North Banadir (PDF format--7K)
C. Bari Region (PDF format--4K)
D. Bay Region (PDF format--3K)
E. Gedo Region (PDF format--17K)
F. Jubba Region (PDF format--10K)
i) Lower and Middle Jubba (PDF format--7K)
ii) Targets for Education in Jubba Valley area (PDF format--2K)
G. Mudug Region (PDF format--7K)
H. Shabelle Region
i) Lower Shabelle (PDF format--7K)
ii) Middle Shabelle (PDF format--7K)
Sector Studies
Somalia Case Study--Mid-decade review of progress towards education
for all. (PDF
format--180K). Courtesy of: UNESCO -International Consultative Forum
on Education for All (EFA) in Paris. By G. Bennaars, H. Seif & D. Mwangi;
Nairobi, 1996.
This paper is part of a review undertaken by the EFA forum to assess
the progress of countries in their efforts to attain 'Education for All'
since the World Conference on Education in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990. Stocktaking
of progress has utilized a variety of methods. To supplement statistics
and reports from ministries of education all over the world, the EFA forum
asked a number of independent researchers in developing countries to provide
a more in-depth view of 'Education for All' in their countries. A few interesting
experiences in provision of basic education have been selected for publication.
They reflect issues of current debate such as education for the girl child,
provision of education in the mother tongue of the pupils to promote learning
as well as efforts to provide education in emergency situations due to
war and conflict.
Statistical Information
A. Primary
1. Elementary Schools, Classes, Pupils and Teachers 1984/85 (PDF format--K)
2. Enrollment in Primary Teacher Training 1981/2 - 1984/5 (PDF format--3K)
3. International Organizations (PDF format--5K)
4. Region-wise Student Enrollment (Grades I - IV) (PDF format--2K)
B. Secondary
1. General Secondary Education, By Region 1984/85(PDF format--4K)
2. General Secondary Schools, Classes, Pupils, Teachers, 1984/5 (PDF format--5K)
3. Secondary Enrollments with % Females, 1972/3 - 1984/5 (PDF format--5K)
D. Tertiary
1. Lafoole Enrollments by Major Field 1983-1984 (PDF format--3K)
2. National University of Somalia: Graduation Rates (By Faculty and Sex) (PDF format--5K)
3. Progression Rate from Secondary to University (PDF format--5K)
4. Somali National University: Students & Staff, 1982, 1985, 1986 (PDF format--3K)
5. Somali National University (SNU) Staff/Student Ratios, 1986-1987 (PDF format--5K)
C. Vocational/Technical
1. List of Agricultural Schools (PDF format--5K)
E. Other
1. Comparison of Pupil and Total Population (PDF format--5K)
2. Distance to Schools (PDF format--3K)
3. Education Flows (PDF format--2K)
4. Education Imbalances (PDF format--2K)
5. Education Levels 1981/82 (PDF format--2K)
6. Nomadic Education (PDF format--5K)
7. Performance of Education Sector for 1986 (PDF format--4K)
8. School Enrollment (1985-1988) (PDF format--1K)
9. Sector Assessment- Government Expenditure by Level and Type of Education (PDF format--6K)
10. Student Enrollment in Somali Refugee Camps (PDF format--2K)
11. Targets for Education in Jubba Valley area (PDF format--2K)
12. Teachers and Teacher Training by District (PDF format--3K)
1. Central Government Revenues and Expenditures 1975 -1988 (PDF format--5K)
2. Central Government Wage and Pension Bill 1983 - 1988 (-)
3. Distribution of Civil Servants by Education -1983 (PDF format--3K)
4. Distribution of Civil Servants by Sex and Category - 1983 (PDF format--3K)
5. Distribution of Public Sector Employment by Level of Education - 1984 (PDF format--5K)
6. Financial Allocation of Technical Assistance programmes by sector (PDF format--5K)
7. Sector Assessment- Government Expenditure by Level and Type of Education (PDF format--6K)
ILO (International Labor Organization)
1. Growth in the Central Government Workforce 1962-1983 (PDF format--3K).
These are figures from a Youth Employment Programme in which a comparative sub-regional study of Somalia was conducted.
2. Supply and Demand for School and University Leavers, 1986 (PDF format--5K)
3. Projected Dynamics in Net Manpower Demand (PDF format--5K)
4. Perspectives on Poverty in Somalia (PDF format--5K)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
1. Selected Economic and Social Indicators: 1975-1985 (PDF format--5K)
2. Public Investment and Technical Assistance Program by Activity, 1987 (PDF format--4K)
3. Public Investment and Technical Assistance Program by Activity, 1988 (PDF format--6K)
4. Public Investment and Technical Assistance Program by Activity, 1987 - 1989 (PDF format--6K)
1. Education: Repairs Implementation Strategies (PDF format--5K)
2. Rehabilitation Efforts: Destruction of Schools (PDF format--5K)
3. Rehabilitation Efforts: PEER Expenditure on EDCs (PDF format--2K)
4. Relief and Rehabilitation Meeting - UNOSOM, 1993 (PDF format--5K)
5. Repairing Costs of Public Premises, 1993 (PDF format--13K)
6. WFP Food Security Task force 1994 (includes population statistics) (PDF format--26K)
Issues pertaining to the role and status of women in Somalia are of concern to several international organizations working in Somalia. Though not addressed in detail, they are touched on in many documents in various sections of this Somali Country page, such as the country/sector studies, enrollment figures, teacher training, peace education, etc.
1. Pre-War Women's Participation (PDF format--5K)
CDIE Resources
1. List of primary schools in Mogadiscio (Somalia) and the source of support This list is contains: a) School names b) Number of students c) Number of classes d) Number of workers e) Location of school f) Name of supporter
2. UNESCO-PEER Workshops in and out of Somalia Included are: a) Dates of workshops b) Place held c) Region d) Number of participants e) Focal point organization f) Type of workshop g) Name of UNESCO tutor
3. TOT (Training of Trainers) This list includes: a) Region b) Number of Teachers c) Period d) Tutor e) Section
4. Primary Schools in Refugee Camps at Djibouti This list provides information for three camps on: a) Class (grade) b) Number of students by gender c) Total number of students
5. Schools supported by WFP (World Food Programme) Includes: a) Name of School b) Location c) District d) Region e) Implementing agency f) Number of beneficiaries
6. Text Books Distributed in 1995 Includes: a) Subject and grade b) Quantity of books distributed c) Month distributed d) Name of school e) Location f) Number of students in each school
Brief: Education in Somalia had long been in a state of crisis due to neglect and lack of resources. Extensive destruction and looting of school facilities during the civil war completed the process of disruption. In most of the country, no education had taken place in the three to five years preceeding this report. During 1993, UNICEF initiated efforts towards the revival of basic education as a vital aspect of the rehabilitation of Somali civil society in general.
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