PES of a project to provide jobs and essential services to 
displaced persons in El Salvador.  PES covers the period 5/82-5/85 and is 
based on an attached report (XD-AAT-772-A) presenting findings from a 
baseline survey of some 8,000 displaced persons.
	The survey - which clearly depicts the enormity of the problem 
faced by the project -  has establishedquantifiable indicators for both 
the present projectand a planned follow-on.  A key finding, indicatingthe 
need for an alternative to emergency assistance,is that a startling 25% 
of the displaced wish toremain whence they have migrated.  USAID/ES 
agreeswith all major recommendations of the survey teamexcept that 
regarding temporary employment; theMission thinks permanent employment 
and training abetter strategy.  A total of 39 recommendations are 
presented in re:(1) Employment - increase labor-intensive projectsand 
jobs for women; coordinate GOES jobs projects;begin an employment 
identification, skills training,and placement project.  (2) Education - 
restore andmaintain classrooms; provide textbooks and relatedmaterials.  
(3) Environmental health - provide morepermanent housing structures 
(additional rooms wherepossible) and safe water sources nearby; 
strengthenhygiene education (90% of families are not boilingtheir 
drinking water); increase or improve burningof refuse, rodent control, 
and drainage in malarial areas.  (4) Nutrition - strengthen nutrition 
education, surveillance, and therapeutic feeding of those most in need; 
increase supplemental feeding of pregnantand lactating women and of 
children 12-59 months ofage; focus outreach on the most malnourished 
children; include oral rehydration therapy in allnutrition 
activities; strengthen referrals to themedical system; improve the 
composition of the foodration in areas with shortfalls and those 
affectedby violence; improve frequency of distribution toareas receiving 
food less than monthly; study theactual dietary status and beliefs of the 
displaced.  (5) Health - strengthen outreach (especially toareas with 
high illness and death rates); continuesurveillance; develop seasonal 
programs to combatenteric and respiratory diseases in children under5; 
use data from this survey to develop baselinesfor each settlement and 
displaced community and forfuture area- and program-specific evaluations; 
setup a referral system to serve families unable toobtain medicines; 
strengthen health education,vaccinations, and family planning and focus 
thelatter on young couples (not just the wife) and ontemporary methods.
	Mission comments on specific actions taken or planned are included.