Gracie Jane in her office, 2016 Dec 06


Gracie Jane Gollinger is a Linux systems analyst at the University of Pittsburgh, where she is a member of the Consulting Services group of Computing Services & Systems Development. Her role in that group is to provide on-site, multi-tier support to the Department of Physics & Astronomy. She has been in that role since August 2000. She has also supported the Department of Geology & Environmental Science since 2021.

She has over 20 years of experience administering Linux & Unix servers and workstations; primarily running Scientific Linux or Rocky Linux, but also CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. She is also proficient at maintaining Windows and Mac OS X workstations, network printers, mobile devices, and esoteric equipment.

Gracie Jane is not necessarily a web you can probably tell. She also maintains an extremely basic bookmark file and a really old Basic HTML primer that is woefully out-of-date.

She can be reached via e-mail at

Note: Social media links are held privately and not necessarily endorsed by the University of Pittsburgh.

© 2016-2022 Gracie Jane Gollinger

Contact: gjgollinger [at] pitt [dot] edu

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