Spatial Cognition


General References


Golledge, R. G. (Ed). (1999).  Wayfinding Behavior: Cognitive Mapping and Other Spatial Processes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD


Matthew Duckham and Michael F. Goodchild and Michael F. Worboys (Eds.), (2003).  Foundations of Geographic Information Science. Taylor and Francis, London.


Cognitive Models


Tversky, B., 1993, Cognitive maps, cognitive collages, and spatial mental models. In Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS, edited byA. U. Frank and I. Campari (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), pp. 14- 24.


Mark, D. M., Freksa, C., Hirtle, S. C., Lloyd, R., & Tversky, B. (1999). Cognitive models of geographical space. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 13, 747-774.


Amy L. Shelton and Timothy P. McNamara, (2001).  Systems of spatial reference in human memory, Cognitive Psychology, 43, 274-310.


Formal Foundations


Yeap,W. K., 1988, Towards a computational theory of cognitive maps. Artificial Intelligence, 34, 297-360.


Egenhofer, M. J. 1991. Reasoning about binary topological relations. In Proceedings of the Second international Symposium on Advances in Spatial Databases (August 28 - 30, 1991). O. Günther and H. Schek, Eds. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 525. Springer-Verlag, London, 143-160.


Egenhofer, M. J., and Mark, D. M., (1995).  Naive geography. In Frank, A. U. and Kuhn, W., editors, Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences No. 988, pp. 1-15.


Sorrows, M.E and S. C. Hirtle (1999). The nature of landmarks for real and electronic spaces.  In: C. Freksa and D. M. Mark (eds.), Spatial information theory - Cognitive and computational foundations of geographic information science. pp. 37--50. Springer, Berlin. 




R. Casati and Barry Smith and A. C. Varzi (1998).  Ontological tools for geographic representation.  In: N. Guarino (ed.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. pp. 77--85. IOS Press, Amsterdam.


Barry Smith and David M. Mark (2001).  Geographical categories: an ontological investigation.  International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15(7):591--612.


Mark, D. M., Smith, B., Egenhofer, M. & Stephen Hirtle, S. C. (2004). Ontological foundations for geographic information science, In R.B. McMaster and L. Usery (eds.), Research Challenges in Geographic Information Science (pp. 335-350).  Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.




Benjamin Kuipers and Yung-Tai Byun, A robot exploration and mapping strategy based on a semantic hierarchy of spatial representations, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 8, Issues 1-2, November 1991, Pages 47-63.


A. Frank, S. Bittner, and M. Raubal. (2001). Spatial and cognitive simulation with multiagent systems. in: D. Montello (Ed.), Spatial Information Theory - Foundations of Geographic Information Science, Proceedings of COSIT 2001, Morro Bay, CA, USA, September 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2205, pp. 124-139, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York


C. Freksa, R. Moratz, T. Barkowsky (2000).  Robot navigation with schematic maps. In E. Pagello et al (Ed.), Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, pp. 809–816. IOS Press, Amsterdam.


Alexander Klippel, Kai-Florian Richter, Thomas Barkowsky, Christian Freksa (2005).  The Cognitive Reality of Schematic Maps. In Liqiu Meng, Alexander Zipf, Tumasch Reichenbacher (Eds.), Map-based Mobile Services - Theories, Methods and Implementations, pp. 57–74. Springer, Berlin.