Hello! I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh in Industrial Engineering. My research investigates healthcare analytics, data-driven decision support, and operational planning management in the context of clinical data and practice. Specifically, my research focuses on developing and applying operations research and data analytics methodologies to identify practical and effective decision making tools to improve care efficiency, patient safety, and cost-effectiveness. I received my PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, and BS in Information and Industrial Engineering from Yonsei University [CV].

Current Students

  • Hanie Eskandari, Doctoral
  • Maotong Sun, Masters
  • Jessica Starck, Masters


  1. "Optimal intervention policies for TJR postoperative care process"
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Jingshan Li, Philip Bain, and Jo Goffinet
    Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, accepted

  2. "A prediction and intrepretation framework of acute kidney injury in critical care"
    Kaidi Gong, Hyo Kyung Lee, Kaiye Yu, Xiaolei Xie, and Jingshan Li
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2021

  3. "Workforce allocation in motorcycle transmission assembly lines: a case study on modeling, analysis, and improvement"
    Hang Ma, Hyo Kyung Lee, Zhongshun Shi, and Jingshan Li
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020

  4. "Modeling and analysis of patient transitions in community hospitals: A systems approach"
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Jingshan Li, Albert Musa, Philip Bain, and Kenneth Nelson
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020

  5. "Reducing COPD readmissions through predictive modeling and incentive-based interventions"
    Xiang Zhong, Sujee Lee, Cong Zhao, Hyo Kyung Lee, Philip Bain, Tammy Kundinger, Craig Sommers, Christine Baker, and Jingshan Li
    Health Care Management Science, 2019

  6. "A queueing network model for analysis of patient transitions within hospitals"
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Albert Musa, Philip Bain, Kenneth Nelson, Christine Baker, and Jingshan Li
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019

  7. "An analytical framework for TJR readmission prediction and cost-effective intervention"
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Rebecca Jin, Yuan Feng, Philip Bain, Jo Goffinet, Christine Baker, and Jingshan Li
    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019

  8. "A system-theoretic method for modeling, analysis, and improvement of lung cancer diagnosis-to-surgery process"
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Feng Ju, Raymond Osarogiagbon, Nicholas Faris, Xinhua Yu, Fedoria Rugless, Shan Jiang, and Jingshan Li
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2018

  9. "Workload balancing: staffing ratio analysis for primary care redesign"
    Xiang Zhong, Hyo Kyung Lee, Molly Williams, Sally Kraft, Jeffery Sleeth, Richard Welnick, Lori Hauschild, and Jingshan Li
    Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2018

  10. "Bottleneck Analysis to Improve Multidisciplinary Rounding Process in Intensive Care Units at Mayo Clinic"
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Yue Dong, Brian Pickering, Ognjen Gajic, and Jingshan Li
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018

  11. "Joint visit in primary care clinics: Modeling, analysis, and an application study
    Hyo Kyung Lee, Xiang Zhong, Jingshan Li, Albert Musa, and Philip Bain
    IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2018

  12. "Pragmatic trial of a multidisciplinary lung cancer care model in a community healthcare setting: study design, implementation evaluation, and baseline clinical results"
    Matthew Smeltzer, et al, Hyo Kyung Lee, et al
    Translational lung cancer research, 2018

  13. "Reducing Bottlenecks to Improve the Efficiency of the Lung Cancer Care Delivery Process: A Process Engineering Modeling Approach to Patient-Centered Care"
    Feng Ju, Hyo Kyung Lee, Xinhua Yu, Nicholas Faris, Fedoria Rugless, Shan Jiang, Jingshan Li, and Raymond Osarogiagbon
    Journal of medical systems, 2018

  14. "From production systems to health care delivery systems: a retrospective look on similarities, difficulties and opportunities"
    Xiang Zhong, Hyo Kyung Lee, and Jingshan Li
    International Journal of Production Research, 2017

  15. "Computer modeling of lung cancer diagnosis-to-treatment process"
    Feng Ju, Hyo Kyung Lee, Raymond Osarogiagbon, Xinhua Yu, Nicholas Faris, and Jingshan Li
    Translational lung cancer research, 2015


  • University of Pittsburgh: IE 2084 Stochastic Processes, Fall 2020
  • University of Pittsburgh: IE 1185/2184 Stochastic Modeling and Data Analytics in Healthcare Operations, Spring 2020, Spring 2021
  • University of Pittsburgh: IE 2072 Probability, Fall 2019
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison: ISyE 615 Production Systems Control, Spring 2018