Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Main Office: 1017 Cathedral of Learning
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone: 412-624-5896

History of Science Core I: Ancient to Medieval Science

Comprehensive Course Guide

Babylonian Mathematics
Babylonian Astronomy
Early Greek Astronomy 
Greek Optics
Aristotelian Biology
Aristotelian Philosophy of Nature
Aristotelian Motion and the Cosmos
Greek Mathematics and Plato
Plato's Timaeus
General Studies of Greek Science

Hippocratic Medicine
Atomists, Stoics, & Skeptics
Alexandrian Medicine and Galen
Ptolemaic Astronomy
Islamic Science
Transmission of Greek and Islamic Science
Medieval Optics
Medieval Science of Motion
Medieval Cosmology and Astronomy
Babylonian Mathematics

Primary Sources:
1. Saros cycle dates and related Babylonian astronomical texts. Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 1991.

Secondary Sources:
1. Aaboe, A. Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics,
Washington D.C. 1963. 5-31.

Babylonian Astronomy

Primary Sources:
1. Saros cycle dates and related Babylonian astronomical texts. Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 1991.

2. Astronomical cuneiform texts; Babylonian ephemerides of the Seleucid period for the motion of the sun, the moon, and the planets. London, Published for the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., by Lund Humphries, 1995.

Secondary Sources:
1. Sachs, A. "Observation and theory in Babylonian astronomy". Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology 1980, 24: 14-35.

2. Neugebauer, 0tto. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, New York, Harper 1970 [1962]. pp. 97-144.


Early Greek Astronomy

Primary Sources:
1. Ptolemy. Ptolemy's Almagest, translated and annotated by G.J. Toomer ; with a foreword by Owen Gingerich. Princeton University Press, 1998. Selection referring to early predecessors.

Secondary Sources:
1.  Bowen, A.C., & Goldstein, B.R. " A New View of Early Greek Astronomy" . Isis: International Review devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences 1983, 74: 330-340.

2. Bowen, A.C., & Goldstein, B.R. "Hipparchus' Treatment of Early Greek Astronomy: The case of Eudoxus and the length of daytime". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 1991, 135: 233-254.

3. Neugebauer, 0tto. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity,
New York, Harper 1970 [1962]. pp. 145-190.

4. Dreyer,  J.L.E. . A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler, Dover Publications, NY. 1953.


Greek Optics Primary Sources:
1. Cohen, M.R., & Drabkin, I.E. A Source Book in Greek Science, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, c1948 (1969 printing). pp. 257-286.

Aristotelian Biology Primary Sources:
1. Ackrill, I. L. (trans).  A New Aristotle Reader. Princeton 1986. Selections:  Physics, II.1-3,7-9; On the Heavens, 1.2, 9-10, 12, II.12, III.6; On the Soul, II.l-4; Parts of Animals 1.1,5, II.l; Generation of Animals, 1.21-23, II.1-3, V .1, 8 .

2.  Lennox, J.G. (trans). Parts of Animals I-IV. Oxford, 2002.

4. Balme, D. M. (trans).  Historia Animalium VII-X, Cambridge MA, 1991.


Secondary Sources:
 Balme, D.M. "The place of biology in Aristotle's philosophy" , "Teleology and necessity" in Gotthelf and Lennox (eds.), Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology. Cambridge , 1987.

2. Gotthelf, Allan. (ed). Aristotle on Nature and Living Things:Philosophical and Historical Studies. Pittsburgh 1985.

3. Gotthelf, Allan  and Lennox, James G. (eds). Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology. Cambridge, 1987.

4. Devereux, Daniel  et Pellegrin, Pierre. (eds). Biologie, Logique et Metaphysique chez Aristote. Paris, 1990.

5. Lennox, James G. "Between Data and Demonstration: the Analytics and the Historia Animalium", 261-294. In Bowen Alan C., ed. Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece. NY, 1991.

6. Lennox, James G. "Aristotle's Zoology and His Metaphysics: the Status Questiones". In Lloyd, G. E. R. . Methods and Problems in Greek Science: Collected Papers. Cambridge, 1991.



Aristotelian Philosophy of Nature Primary Sources:
1. Ross, W.D. (trans). Aristotle: Physics. Oxford, 1936.

2. Ross, W.D. (trans). Aristotle's Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford, 1949. Selections: Post., Book I, Chaps. 1-4; Book II Chaps. 10, 12, 19.

3. Drossaart Lulofs, H.J. (ed). Aristotelis: De Generatione. Oxford, 1965. Selections: Book 1, Chap. 21- 23 , Book 11, Chaps 1, 3.

Secondary Sources:
1. Ferejohn, Michael. The Origins of Aristotelian Science. New Haven, 1991.

2. McKirahan, Richard D. Jr. Principles and Proofs: Aristotle's Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton, 1992.

3. Berti, Enrico. (ed). Aristotle on Science: the 'Posterior Analytics'. Padova, 1981. (esp. essays of Ackrill, Barnes and Burnyeat).

4. Waterlow, Sarah. Nature, Change, and Agency in Aristotle's Physics: A Philosophical Study. Oxford, 1982.

5. Judson, Lindsay. (ed). Aristotle's Physics: A Collection of Essays. Oxford, 1991.

Aristotle on Motion and the Cosmos Primary Sources:
Ackrill, I. L. (trans).  A New Aristotle Reader. Princeton 1986. Selections: Metaphysics. Book I, Chaps. 1,2; Book IV, Chap. IV; Book V, Chaps 5 ,6; Book VII, Chaps 1-4; Physics I, Chaps. 1,2,7,8; II, Chaps. 1-4, 7-9; IV Chaps. 4,10; VIII Chaps. 6, 10; De Caelo Book I, Chap 2,9

Secondary Sources:
1. Judson, Lindsay. (ed). Aristotle's Physics: A Collection of Essays. Oxford, 1991.

Greek Mathematics and Plato Primary Sources:
Heath, T.L. {trans.}. Euclid 's Elements. Dover, 1956. Vol. 1, 153-159, 202-204.

2. Cornford, F. M. . Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus with a running commentary. London 1937.

Secondary Sources:
1. 1. Aaboe, A. Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics, Washington D.C. 1963. pp 35-99.

2. Heath, T.L. A history of Greek mathematics. Dover Publications, 1981.

Plato's Timaeus Primary Sources:
1. Cornford, F. M. . Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus with a running commentary. London 1937.

Secondary Sources:
1. Gregory Vlastos. Plato's Universe. Berkeley. 1975.

2. Lloyd, G. E. R.,  "Plato on mathematics and nature, myth and science"' 333-351. In Lloyd, G. E. R. .  Magic, Reason, and Experience: Studies in the origins and development of Greek science. Cambridge 1979.

3. Mourelatos, Alexander P. D. "'Plato's Science--His
View and Ours of His", 11-30. In Bowen Alan C., ed. Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece. NY, 1991.

4. Mary Louise Gill, 'Matter and Flux in Plato's Timaeus', Phronesis, XXXII 1 (1987) 34-53.

5. James G. Lennox, 'Plato's Unnatural Teleology', in D. O'Meara, ed. Platonic Investigations, Washington D. C. 1985.

General Studies of Greek Science 1. Lloyd, G. E. R. .  Magic, Reason, and Experience: Studies in the origins and development of Greek science. Cambridge 1979.

2. Lloyd, G. E. R. . Methods and Problems in Greek Science: Collected Papers. Cambridge, 1991.

3. Bowen Alan C., ed. Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece. NY, 1991.

4. Barnes, Timothy D., ed. The Sciences in Greco-Roman Society.

5. Cohen, Morris R., and Drabkin, I.E., A Source Book in Greek Science. Harvard Press, Cambridge, 1958.

Hippocratic Medicine Primary Sources:
1. Lloyd, G.E.R. Hippocratic Writings. NY 1978. Selections:  (1) Trad. in Medicine; (2) Epidemics I [i], [ii]; (3) The Science of Medicine; (4) Airs, Waters and Places, 1-5; (5) Prognosis, 1-15; (6) The Sacred Disease, 1-10; (7) Nature of Man (260-271).


Secondary Sources:
1. Heinrich von Staden. 'Incurability and Hopelessness: The Hippocratic Corpus', in La Maladie et les maladies dans la Collection Hippocratique: Actes Vu VIo Colloque International Hippcratique, eds. Paul Potter, Gilles Maloney, Jacques Desautels. Paris, 1990, 75-112.

2. Lloyd, G.E.R. "Who is attacked in On Ancient Medicine" 49-69, "Experiment in Early Greek Philosophy and Medicine" 70- 99, "Alcmaeon and the early history of dissection" 164- 193, "The Hippocratic Question", 194-223. In Lloyd, G.E.R. Magic, Reason, and Experience: Studies in the origins and development of Greek science. Cambridge 1979.

The only complete text and translation is that of Emile Littre, Oeuvres completes d'Hippocrate, 10 Vols. Paris 1839-61. It includes a general introduction and introductions to each work.

Hellenistic Philosophy:
Atomists, Stocis, & Skeptics
Primary Sources:
1. Epicurus, "Letter to Herodotus". In Lives of the eminent philosophers: Diogenes Laertius, Vol 1, 2 (Loeb classical library ; no. 184-185). Translated by R.D. Hicks. Harvard University Press, 1979-1980

2. Lucretius, De rerum natura, Book I, sections 1 & 2. edited by E. J. Kenney. Cambridge, 1971.

3. Long & Sedley. The Hellenistic philosophers. Cambridge 1987. Selections.

Alexandrian Medicine and Galen Primary Sources:
1. Galen. Three Treatises on the Nature of Science: "On the Sects for Beginners". trans. R. Walzer and M. Frede, Indianapolis 1985.

Secondary Sources:
1. Lloyd, G. E. R. "The Definition, Status, and Methods of the Medical Sects in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries" 249-260
. In Alan C. Bowen, ed. Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece. NY, 1991.

Ptolemaic Astronomy Primary Sources:
1. Toomer, G.J., Ptolemy's Almagest. Princeton, 1998. Book I, 1-9, Book III, 1-9, Book V, 1; Book IX, 1-3.

2. Berggren, L. and Jones, A. Ptolemy's Geography : an annotated translation of the theoretical chapters. Princeton 2000. Selections: Book I, Chapters I-5.

Secondary Sources:
 Aaboe, A. Episodes from Early Greek Mathematics, 126-27.

2. Goldstein, B.R. "The Arabic Version of Ptolemy's Planetary Hypotheses". Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 57.4. Philadelphia, 1967. [Includes translation of the "missing" part of Book 1]

Islamic Science Primary Sources:
1. Avicenna, The Healing, Metaphysics & The Deliverance. In Hyman and Walsh (eds). Philosophy in the Middle Ages: the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. Indianapolis : Hackett Pub. Co., 1983.

2. Averroes, A Treatise Concerning the Substance of the Celestial Sphere. In Hyman and Walsh (eds). Philosophy in the Middle Ages: the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. Indianapolis : Hackett Pub. Co., 1983.

Secondary Sources:
1. Bakar, Osman. The History and Philosophy of Islamic Science. Islamic Texts Society, 2000. Selections: Chapters 4, 5, 6.

Transmission of Greek and Islamic Science to the Latin West Secondary Sources:
Lindberg, D.C. "The Transmission of Greek and Arabic Learning to the West", in Science in the Middle Ages, Lindberg (ed.), Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978. pp. 338-68.

2. Lloyd, G.E.R../.. Greek Science After Aristotle. Norton and Company, New York, 1973. Chapter 10.

3. S. Sheenberghen, Fernand. Aristotle in the West. Louvain, 1955., Chapters IV and V

4. Momigliano, Arnaldo, ed., The Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1963. Introduction.

5. Bischoff, Bernhard. "The Study of Foreign Languages in the Middle Ages," Spaculum 36 (1961).

6. Bolgar, R.R., The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries from the Carolingian Age to the End of the Renaissance. Cambridge, 1954

7. Haskins, Charles H. The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. Cambridge, Mass., 1927

8. Sorabji, Richard, ed., Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science. Duckworth, London, 1987 Chapter I.

9. Gabrieli, F. "The Transmission of Learning and Literary Influence to Western Europe," Cambridge History of Islam, Volume 2. Cambridge, 1970.

10. Crombie, A.C. Medieval and Early Modem Science, Volume II. Doubleday, New York, 1959. Chapter 2.

Medieval Optics Primary Sources:
1. Euclid, The Arabic Version of Euclid's Optics. Translated by Elaheh Kheirandish edited by G J Toomer. Springer-Verlag 1998.

2. Alhacen's theory of visual perception : a critical edition, with English translation and commentary, of the first three books of Alhacen's De aspectibus, the medieval Latin version of Ibn al-Haytham's Kitab al-Manazir. Edited by A. Mark Smith. Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 2001.

3. Grosseteste, R. "On Light" and Bacon, Roger. Opus Malus. In Hyman and Walsh (eds). Philosophy in the Middle Ages: the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. Indianapolis : Hackett Pub. Co., 1983.

Secondary Sources:
1. Lindberg, D.C. "The Science of Optics", in Science in the Middle Ages, Lindberg (ed.), Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978. pp. 338-68.

2. A.I. Sabra, Optics, astronomy, and logic : studies in Arabic science and philosophy. Aldershot, Hants ; Brookfield, Vt. : Variorum, c1994.

Medieval Science of Motion Primary Sources:
1. Oresme, N. Nicole Oresme and the medieval geometry of qualities and motions; a treatise on the uniformity and difformity of intensities known as Tractatus de configurationibus qualitatum et motuum. Edited with an introd., English translation, and commentary by Marshall Clagett. University of Wisconsin Press, 1968.


Secondary Sources:
1. Claggett, M. The Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages. University of Wisconsin Press, 1959. Kinematics: Chapters 5 & 6; Part II; Dynamics, Chapters 7 -10.

2. Murdoch, J.E., & Sylla, E. "The Science of Motion", In Science in the Middle Ages, Lindberg (ed.), Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978. pp 206-64.

Medieval Cosmology and Astronomy Primary Sources:
1. Grant, Ed (ed.) A source book in medieval science. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1974. Selections.

Secondary Sources:
1. Grant, E. "Cosmology",  in Science in the Middle Ages, Lindberg (ed.), Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978. Chap. 8.

2. Pedersen, 0. " Astronomy", Science in the Middle Ages, Lindberg (ed.), Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978. Chap. 9.

3. Goldstein, B.R. "The Making of Astronomy in Early Islam". Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza 1986, 1(2): 79-92.