Description Example
Applies the RegExp to the given string, and returns the match information. var match = /s(amp)le/i.exec("Sample text")

match then contains ["Sample","amp"]
Tests if the given string matches the Regexp, and returns true if matching, false if not. var match = /sample/.test("Sample text")

match then contains false
Matches given string with the RegExp. With g flag returns an array containing the matches, without g flag returns just the first match or if no match is found returns null. var str = "Watch out for the rock!".match(/r?or?/g)

str then contains ["o","or","ro"]
Matches RegExp with string and returns the index of the beginning of the match if found, -1 if not. var ndx = "Watch out for the rock!".search(/for/)

ndx then contains 10
Replaces matches with the given string, and returns the edited string. var str = "Liorean said: My name is Liorean!".replace(/Liorean/g,'Big Fat Dork')

str then contains "Big Fat Dork said: My name is Big Fat Dork!"
Cuts a string into an array, making cuts at matches. var str = "I am confused".split(/\s/g)

str then contains ["I","am","confused"]