John D. Norton

Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh PA 15260
Phone: 412 624 5896

Center for Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh PA 15260
Phone: 412 624 1051

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2005: The Centenary of Einstein's Annus Mirabilis of 1905

Numerous events were scheduled for 2005, the centennary year, and I was invited to contribute to some of them. For details, see my homepage.

Pittsburgh "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity," Einstein 1905: A Centenary Celebration. University of Pittsburgh. February 12, 2005.

Washington "Einstein's Most Famous Thought Experiment," Symposium: Einstein in Historical and Philosophical Perspective. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. February 20, 2005.

London "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity," 2005: The Centenary of Einstein's Annus Mirabilis, British Academy, London. March 5, 2005.

Berlin "Einstein's Methods," Plenary Lecture. Physics since Albert Einstein. Annual Conference of the German Physical Society (Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalische Gesellschaft), World Year of Physics 2005 (Einsteinjahr 2005). Berlin. March 7, 2005.

Tenerife "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity," HGR7. Seventh International Conference on the History of General Relativity, La Orotava, Tenerife. March 10, 2005.

Israel "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity" Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Symposium: Albert Einstein Legacy--A One Hundred Years Perspective. April 12, 2005.

Pasadena "Are There Really Atoms? What Einstein Showed Us in 1905," Einstein Centennial Lectures, California Institute of Technology. May 11, 2005

Florence "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity," Florence Celebration of Einstein's Annus Mirabilis. Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universit� di Firenze; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Firenze. At Dept. of Physics, University of Florence. May 30, 2005.

Torino "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity" in conference series One hundred years ago: Einstein's revolution, Societa Italiana di Relativita Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, Accademia delle Scienze, Torino, June 1, 2005.

Bern "Chasing the Light: Einstein's Most Famous Thought Experiment," July 7, 2005, and "Einstein's Electrodynamical Pathway to Special Relativity," July 8, 2005, in 2005 Das Berner Albert Einstein Jubilaeum: Institutionen fuer Bildung and Wissenschaften, Bern, Switzerland. (See and hear talks in streaming video: "Chasing...", "...Pathway...", program.)

Revised April 26, 2006