Against the Current, Against the Wind
September 6, 2009
Sailing on the river was becoming so comfortable and routine that
memories of my first failed attempts were fading fast. Although it now
seems like eons, it was only a few months ago in May that I'd twice put
into the rivers and not been able to advance against the current from
my starting point at the Newport Marina to the Point. (See here and here.)
Those two experiences had taught me a lot. Both times I had tried to
sail against the current and wind at the same time. That, I'd learned,
is not easy. And not knowing the boat well compounded the problem.
These failures had made me timid and I had only put into the water
afterwards if the winds had a good Westerly component that would blow
against the river current.
Now it was time to exorcise the demons that had been haunting me
since May. Today the winds were blowing from the East; that is, ESE to
be precise. So they blew with the river currents. But now the river
currents had dropped. The Allegheny River always seemed to have the
strongest current. It had dropped to the lowest levels I could recall
for the entire summer.
The graph at the US Geological Survey website showed things nicely:
for current data.)

For the last two months of the summer, the flows had fluctuated
roughly between 10,000 and 20,000 cubic feet per second, well above the
historical averages of around 5,000 and at times topping 30,000. Today,
finally, it had dropped to 5,000 cubic feet per second, which was
historically the common figure over the last 70 years. That translated
into a slow crawl when I inspected the river on my bicycle ride to the
marina. And there was a similar crawl on the Ohio River at the marina.
(The discharge scale is logarithmic,
which means that when the curve is higher, is represents a lot more
flow than on a normal graph.)
For completeness, here is the graph of the flows on the Mon, It
showed very low flows: (Click
for current data.)

These contributed much less to the overall flow on the Ohio
The winds were forecast to be 9 mph from the ESE. On my bicycle ride
over to the marina, I used my wind gauge to check the forecast. It
showed roughly Easterly winds fluctuating between 4 and 8 mph at the
Point. At the marina, the winds seemed to be pretty steady on the Ohio
and in the same range. Since an Easterly wind can blow along the length
of the Ohio River, I surmised that the hills on the southern bank were
not obstructing the flow.
That was a relief. What had defeated me before was that the wind was
so erratic that I needed to keep resetting the sail to accommodate
changing wind direction; and then the wind would drop completely,
leaving me to be washed back downstream by the current. Today it looked
like I should have enough steady wind to overcome the current, even if
I was tacking straight into the wind, the hardest direction to sail.
With only a little trepidation, I put the boat into the water. The
wind was steady. It pulled the boat easily along at comfortable speeds
of 3 to 5 miles per hour and perhaps sometimes more. That was good. I
needed to tack directly into the wind, so every bit of speed helped.
The GPS track shows my progress, starting at the far left, the Western
end. Unlike tracks from earlier days, the winds are blowing from the
right, the East, so that the zig-zags trace my progress upstream
towards the point.

Click for larger map.

Click for larger map.
It was laborious sailing into the wind and current. The tacking
proceeded. Across the river and back; across and back. With each return
I had gained only slightly, typically 100 yards each time. While the
current was weak, it look a toll. At first I wondered if I was making
any progress at all. But then with each return came a small advance and
I was a little closer to the point. After 20 minutes, I passed the West
End Bridge. It is the gateway to downtown Pittsburgh. When I pass it, I
relax. I am entering friendlier waters and I know that I will soon be
at the Point. In the end, I needed one hour and ten minutes to tack up
to the Point, which I grazed past just as a collection of kayakers met
at the same spot. I could not dock there. Docking on the point was
prohibited today. The reason, I guessed, was connected with the huge
stage being erected on the Point.
As I tacked back and forth, the sailing was comfortable. The winds
were just right: strong enough to keep me moving, but not too strong to
make tacking hard. I didn't miss a single tack on my voyage to the
point. Now and again the wind picked up and my boat surged forward. On
one surge, I managed to look down at my GPS receiver and saw a
sustained 9.5 mph speed, possibly the fastest I'd measured. This GPS
track is color coded to show speeds.

Click for larger map.
There were lots of events around the rivers. At Heinz Field, they
were into the third day of a rib cook off. Eve and I had visited it on
Friday night, chaining our bicyles to a lamppost. We passed vendor
after vendor, all displaying trophies and awards for the best ribs,
with many displays 20 and 30 feet high. Unfortunately the lines at each
vendor were roughly as long. There was also a baseball game at PNC
Park. Its erratic mix of music drifted out over the trail. When I had
cycled past, they were playing Carl Orf's "O Fortuna." All this
activity brought plenty of boats and they were clusted two and three
boats deep at the available moorings on the Northern shore of the
Allegheny and Ohio. I had snapped a photo of them on my ride over:

Now on the water I was weaving my way past these boats. Every now
and again there is a little kink in the GPS track. Most likely I am
navigating around a boat or turning into a wake. The no wake zone
starts at the West End Bridge. Until then, passing boats may leave
quite substantial wakes that my little boat must plow over. After one
passed a little too close, I was tossed in its wake and momentarily
smelled cigar smoke. It was an extraordinarily dissonant experience.
All my senses but one surrounded me with river and water and sail; and
my sense of smell threw me momentarily into a dark, wood-panelled

The big riverboats were out in force, attracted by all these events.
Since there was ample wind, I was no longer bothered by them at all. I
had been told of the great danger they pose for hapless sailors who
might somehow get caught under their bows. That now seemed less likely.
It was a possibility in principle, but unlikely to happen in practice,
given a little prudence by sailors and, if there is an emergency, a
modicum of course change by the big ship. A little sailboat is, in the
end, a little target that might actually be hard to hit. (Nonetheless,
the big barges that also navigate these waters are best given wide
At one point I passed a power boat, most of whose occupants had slid
into the cool water, holding their beer cans high in the air. As I
passed, it was picture perfect. About 500 yard downstream, the Gateway
Clipper was bearing down directly on them. The still had a few minutes
to reboard and move. I would have stopped for a photo, but my hands
were full with the wind, the tiller and mainsheet. Directly in the path
of a big ship seemed a poor place to heave to (=setting the sail and
tiller so the boat stops dead in the water). I sailed on thinking that
if this sort of behavior does not routinely lead to great river
catastrophes, then surely the danger is exaggerated.
After proceeding further up the Allegheny, I docked at the only
available place: the southern shore near the Tenth Street By-pass. The
dock was high and rusty and my little boat seemed dwarfed by it. It was
warm--high 70sF--so I drank some water and ate a protein bar. Then I
took some photos.

Looking along the dock towards the Point, I could see another boat
that I assumed could not find a mooring close to the popular events. Or
perhaps they just wanted to a little peace away from all the noise and

Up the river, I could see my three favorite bridges, the bridges at
6th, 7th and 9th Streets.

A little further over was PNC Park, visible over the water. The high
dock was protecting the water near me from the wind, so it had gone
quite glassy.

I could see the game in the huge digital monitor and its sounds had
followed me up and down the river.

Directly across the river was a docked riverboat that had ferried
spectators to the baseball game and, next to it, the popular fountain,
overflowing with water and children.

Looking further downstream, across the water to Heinz Field, I could
see the boats attracted by the sun and the rib cook off, all framed by
the majestic arch of the Duquesne Bridge.

From this bobbing perch, I returned Eve's phone call. She was
heading off to a coffee shop to write and would not be home for a
while. (She's writing for her wonderful blog, utterly-opinionated.
Eve: note the gratuitous, free plug.) Well refreshed and in no
special hurry, I put back into the water and sailed on. These were
perfect conditions. At that moment, as I threaded my way past happy
boaters and kayakers, under magnificent steel bridges and past the city
skyline, I could not image where else in the world I would want to
My course took me up to the Convention Center. The stretch of water
opposite it seemed to form an impassable barrier. I tacked to and fro a
few times and found that, on each tack, the wind changed direction
sufficiently for the course that I thought would advance me upstream
now to be inaccessible. I assumed that the great mass of the Convention
Center was sufficiently deflecting the wind to give it very different
directions in different parts of the river. It was, I decided, not
worth the effort of beating this little wind trap.
With the wind now behind me, I sailed easily back to the Point,
taking only 15 minutes. This was not a sail I wanted to end--I was
having too much fun. So I rounded the point and decided to make my way
against the wind up the Mon. When I reached the Fort Pitt Bridge,
however, a fierce and gusty wind blew down the Mon. That made tacking
hard, once again, and I needed to jibe to make my tacks. As I looked
into that wind, I began to think that it was getting late. It was past
5pm. Sailing back to my dock now seemed more appealing that fighting
against those gusts. I turned and reefed the sail. With the strong wind
behind me, I did not need its full area to move at a comfortable speed.
There was no tacking needed since my sail just caught the wind like a
bag. It took a mere 15 minutes now to go from the Point to the
Winds on the rivers can be erratic, depending on what obstructs
them. However one thing was becoming quite clear from this and my other
river sails. As long as the winds are blowing roughly from the East or
West, they tend to get channeled into the river course, so that they
blow along the river, either with or against the current. That means
that most sailing up or down the river will be laborious tacking, to
and fro; or an easy run with the wind directly behind.
As I rode my bike home, I once again marveled at the energy of
Pittsburgh's riverfront. There were people and boats everywhere: first
the new casino, with diners an arm's length away in outdoor seating by
the trail; and then Heinz Field and the crowds who had come for its
ribs; and then then baseball game at PNC Park. I arrived home well
before Eve, so there was still time for my other favorite river
activity. I put on my running shoes and headed off for an hour's run on
the river trails. I took my favorite run up the Allegheny past
Washington's Landing.

When we plan vacations, we look for places where we can do the
things we love. By that standard I am in the finest vacation resort
when I am at home in downtown Pittsburgh. For I stepped out my door and
spent the afternoon immersed in really interesting sailing; and then I
ran on the most beautiful river trails I've ever seen; and then I am
home. Dinner was takeout Chinese food from the little restaurant
opposite us, perhaps 100 yards away. We are regulars, so most of our
order is not on the menu.
John D. Norton