HPS 1702 Junior/Senior Seminar for HPS Majors
HPS 1703 Writing Workshop for HPS Majors

Spring term 2014
Checklist for Presentations
Is there a single, clear message or story developed in the presentation?
Does the audience have a clear sense throughout of just what the talk is about?
Is the speaker coming back to the main theme throughout so the relevance of material is always clear?

Is the content developed in the natural way?
An introduction sets things up; the body gives it; the conclusion recapitulates?

Is the material appropriate?
Does the talk do what it was supposed to?
Is the material presented at a level suitable for the audience?

Is an appropriate mode of presentation used?
Spoken and not read? Appropriate content on the slides projected?
Or is the speaker asking the audience to imagine things that should be shown?
Is the speaker in control of the technology--no avoidable glitches?

Are visual aids properly drawn?
Large fonts? Legible images? No huge, obscure slabs of text?
No gratuitous gimmicks?

Is the pacing appropriate?
Was there too much material for the time allocated?
Did the speaker rush to finish or drop material for lack of time?

Is the speakers's demeanor appropriate?
Is the speaker relaxed (enough)?
Does the speaker make eye contact with the audience?
Does the speaker speak conversationally, but without slang?