HPS 2675 ������Philosophy of Space
and Time������� Spring 2009
Phil 2660
Tally of first week votes on topics
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This seminar will concentrate on problems of time. Topics will be drawn
from both the philosophy literature (e.g. tensed vs. tenseless theories of
time, presentism vs. eternalism, McTaggart’s argument for the unreality
of time) and the philosophy of science literature (e.g. the problem of the
direction of time, the relations amongst the so-called ‘arrows of
time’). Attempts will be made to bring the two literatures into
fruitful interaction.
- Instructors
- John Earman, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Room
1017CL, 412 624 5885 jearman@pitt.edu
- John D. Norton, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Room
817 CL, 412 624 1051 jdnorton@pitt.edu
- Place
- Room G28 CL
- Time
- Wednesday 9:30-12:00 noon
Your Part
- Term paper
- To be submitted in hard copy (two copies) by noon Friday April 24 in
1017CL; or e-versions in email to the two Johns by 5pm.
Our policy is NOT to issue incomplete grades, excepting in
extraordinary circumstances. We really do want your papers completed
and submitted by the end of term. We do not want them to linger on like
an overdue dental checkup, filling your lives with unnecessary worry
and guilt.
In return for the rigidity of the deadline, the seminar will not meet
in the final week of term (Wednesday April 22) to give you extra time
to complete the paper.
The paper may be on any subject of relevance to the seminar.
To assist you in commencing work, we ask you submit a paper proposal to
us by Wednesday April 1. The proposal need only be brief. It should
contain a short paragraph describing the topic to be investigated and
give a brief indication of the sources you intend to use. Do talk to us
about possible topics in advance!
- Alternative
- Instead of writing a term paper, we offer the option of writing
weekly reactions of a few pages to an assigned reading. The reaction
should be submitted in or before the seminar in which the reading will
be discussed. No late submissions will be accepted. Each
reaction piece should select one substantial reading and provide a
short critical analysis or response to its content. A passive summary
is not appropriate. For full credit, you must submit responses on 10 of
the 14 weeks of term with only one reaction per week. That means that if you choose this option you
must be submitting responses regularly during term; no last minute
scrambles at the end of term to make up for responses not submitted
- Take your turn presenting material
- The seminar will be structured around weekly readings drawn from this
- In presenting a reading, you should presume
that the seminar has read the reading. You should spend a short amount
of time reviewing the principal claims and arguments of the reading.
This is not intended to replace the seminar's reading of the text, but
merely to provide a basis of common agreement on its content and upon
which subsequent discussion is erected. Your principal burden is to
provide a critical analysis and response to the reading. This analysis
can take many directions. Is the project of the paper clear? Are the
theses clear? Are the arguments cogent? How does the reading relate to
other readings and issues in the seminar? Are there plausible
counter-theses? What arguments support them?
- You should plan to present for at most 30
minutes, leaving at least 15 minutes for discussion. If discussion
starts prematurely, the discussion time may be interleaved with the
full 45 minutes allocated. Most presenters provide handouts so that few
notes need to be taken. We encourage you stand at the blackboard, make
strong eye contact with the seminar and deliver the material, writing
as needed on the blackboard. This promotes a more engaging presentation
than when you sit at the table with your head buried in your notes
talking to them.
- Attendance and participation
- We look forward to seeing and hearing you each week in the seminar.