2682 Phil
Theories of Confirmation
Principal Accounts of Induction |
Inductive Generalization |
__ Enumerative Induction |
__ Hempel's Satisfaction Criterion |
__ Mill's Methods |
__ Glymour's bootstrap |
__ Demonstrative Induction (Newtonian deduction from the phenomena) |
Hypothetical Induction |
__ Exclusionary accounts. Error statistical methods. |
__ Simplicity (Akaike, BIC) |
__ Abduction: Inference to the best explanation |
__ Inference to a common cause |
__ Reliabilism |
Probabilistic Induction |
__ A Bayes' primer |
__ Bayesian success stories |
__ Subjective Bayesianism (big topic) |
__ Objective Bayesianism (big topic) |
__ Probability disassembled |
__ Extended Bayesianism (convex sets, interval valued probabilities, improper priors, Jeffrey's conditionalization) |
Arguing for Bayesianism |
__ Dutch book arguments |
__ Function theoretic representation theorems |
__ Decision theoretic representation theorems |
__ Loss functions |
Arguing against Bayesianism |
__ Not the universal theory |
__ Problem of old evidence |
Problems of Induction |
__ The Problem of induction (aka Hume's problem) |
__ Grue |
__ Underdetermination |
__ Hempel's Raven |
__ Observationally indistinguishable spacetimes |
More Bayesian Topics |
__ Likelihoodism (Bayes without priors) |
__ Limit theorems |
__ Measures of coherence (Bovens and Hartmann) |
__ Measures of incremental support |
__ The conjunction fallacy (Linda the bank teller) |
__ Measures of explanatory power |
Gotcha's in Probability |
__ The exchange paradox |
__ The doomsday argument |
__ Sleeping beauty |
__ De Finetti's lottery |
Evidential Case Studies |
__ Evidence for evolution |
__ Newton's argument for universal gravitation |
__ The electron |
___Your suggestions? |
More |
__ Material Theory of Induction |
__ Ranking theory |
__ Hume's argument against miracles |
__ Confirmation theory and the learning theoretic paradigm |
Your Suggestions |
___: ____________________________________ |